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=head1 NAME
Crypt::Perl - Cryptography in Pure Perl
Just as it sounds: cryptography with no non-core XS dependencies!
This is useful if you don’t have access to
other tools that do this work like L<OpenSSL|http://openssl.org>, L<CryptX>,
etc. Of course, if you do have access to one of those tools, they may suit
your purpose better.
See submodules for usage examples of:
=item * Key generation
=item * Key parsing
=item * Signing & verification
=item * Encryption & decryption
=item * Import (L<Crypt::Perl::PK>) from & export to L<JSON Web Key|https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7517> format
=item * L<JWK thumbprints|https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7638>
=item * Certificate Signing Request (PKCS #10) generation (L<Crypt::Perl::PKCS10>)
=item * SSL/TLS certificate (X.509) generation (L<Crypt::Perl::X509v3>), including
a broad variety of extensions
=item * L<RSA|Crypt::Perl::RSA>
=item * L<ECDSA|Crypt::Perl::ECDSA>
Given the number of original tests in this distribution, I am B<reasonably>
confident that this code is as secure as the random number generation in
L<Bytes::Random::Secure::Tiny> can allow. The tests verify the logic here
against OpenSSL, on which millions of applications rely every day.
That said: B<NO GUARANTEES!!!> The tests here are original, but the
production logic is ported from elsewhere. There has been no formal security
review. L<I found at least one security flaw|https://github.com/kjur/jsrsasign/issues/221>
in one of the source libraries; there may be more.
Of course, L<OpenSSL has not been trouble-free, either|https://www.openssl.org/news/vulnerabilities.html>!
Caveat emptor.
=head1 SPEED
RSA key generation is slow—too slow, probably, unless you have
L<Math::BigInt::GMP> or L<Math::BigInt::Pari> (either of which requires XS).
It’s one application where pure-Perl cryptography just doesn’t seem
feasible. :-( Everything else, though, including all ECDSA operations,
should be fine.
=head1 TODO
There are TODO items listed in the submodules; the following are general
to the entire distribution.
=item * Document the exception system so that applications can use it.
=item * Add more tests, e.g., against L<CryptX>.
=item * Some formal security audit would be nice.
=item * Make it faster :)
Much of the logic here comes from Kenji Urushima’s L<jsrsasign|https://github.com/kjur/jsrsasign>.
Most of the tests depend on the near-ubiquitous L<OpenSSL|http://openssl.org>,
without which the Internet would be a very, very different reality from
what we know!
Other parts are ported from L<LibTomCrypt|http://www.libtom.net>.
=head1 LICENSE
This library is licensed under the same license as Perl.
=head1 AUTHOR
Felipe Gasper (FELIPE)