Changes for version 0.25

  • BUG FIX: Make the C code not depend on (pure) Perl for memory handling. This intends to fix some longstanding (and hard-to-reproduce) memory-handling nits, but it’s also just much cleaner besides.
  • BUG FIX: We now honour $Config{'ccflags'} when building the module. (This broke at some point on 32-bit RaspiOS.)
  • BUG FIX: Previously we set ub_ctx_debugout() to STDERR immediately before destroying the Unbound instance. This worked around a bug in libunbound, but it also seems occasionally to cause “leftover” log messages then to go to STDERR. We now apply a different workaround: dup() the file descriptor when calling debugout(), which obviates the need to set it back to STDERR (since this is now libunbound’s very own file descriptor).
  • BUG FIX: DNS::Unbound::Mojo no longer tight-loops.
  • BUG FIX: DNS::Unbound::Mojo now removes itself from Mojo’s reactor at DESTROY time; previously it neglected this cleanup step.
  • Fix t/load.t:
    • The test now runs to completion rather than silently failing.
    • The test now accommodates old Unbounds that lack `ttl`.
    • Long TTLs. Unbound’s default was 86400, so responses that had longer TTLs caused a conflict between Net::DNS’s parse and Unbound’s response.
  • Objects now warn() on DESTROY at global destruction. This helps to identify memory leaks. (It also entails a higher Promise::ES6 version dependency.)
  • Internal style improvements.
  • All tests now fail on warnings.


libunbound in Perl
DNS::Unbound for AnyEvent
DNS::Unbound for IO::Async
DNS::Unbound for Mojolicious


in lib/DNS/Unbound/AsyncQuery/
in lib/DNS/Unbound/AsyncQuery/
in lib/DNS/Unbound/AsyncQuery/
in lib/DNS/Unbound/AsyncQuery/
in lib/DNS/Unbound/
in lib/DNS/Unbound/
in lib/DNS/Unbound/
in lib/DNS/Unbound/X/
in lib/DNS/Unbound/X/