Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 17 Learn more

use strict;
use IO::SigGuard ();
sub new {
my ( $class, $in_fh, $initial_buffer ) = @_;
if ( !defined $initial_buffer ) {
$initial_buffer = q<>;
my $self = {
_in_fh => $in_fh,
_read_buffer => $initial_buffer,
_bytes_to_read => 0,
return bless $self, $class;
sub get_read_fh { return $_[0]->{'_in_fh'} }
# IO subclass interface
sub allow_empty_read {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{'_ALLOW_EMPTY_READ'} = 1;
return $self;
my $buf_len;
#We assume here that whatever read may be incomplete at first
#will eventually be repeated so that we can complete it. e.g.:
# - read 4 bytes, receive 1, cache it - return q<>
# - select()
# - read 4 bytes again; since we already have 1 byte, only read 3
# … and now we get the remaining 3, so return the buffer.
sub read {
my ( $self, $bytes ) = @_;
die "I refuse to read zero!" if !$bytes;
if ( $buf_len = length $self->{'_read_buffer'} ) {
if ( $buf_len + $self->{'_bytes_to_read'} != $bytes ) {
my $should_be = $buf_len + $self->{'_bytes_to_read'};
die "Continuation: should want “$should_be” bytes, not $bytes!";
if ( $bytes > $buf_len ) {
$bytes -= $buf_len;
local $!;
$bytes -= IO::SigGuard::sysread( $self->{'_in_fh'}, $self->{'_read_buffer'}, $bytes, $buf_len ) || do {
if ($!) {
if ( !$!{'EAGAIN'} && !$!{'EWOULDBLOCK'}) {
die IO::Framed::X->create( 'ReadError', $! );
elsif ($self->{'_ALLOW_EMPTY_READ'}) {
return q<>;
else {
die IO::Framed::X->create('EmptyRead');
$self->{'_bytes_to_read'} = $bytes;
if ($bytes) {
return undef;
return substr( $self->{'_read_buffer'}, 0, length($self->{'_read_buffer'}), q<> );