JavaScript::QuickJS - Run JavaScript via QuickJS in Perl
Quick and dirty …
my $val = JavaScript::QuickJS->new()->eval( q<
let foo = "bar";
[ "The", "last", "value", "is", "returned." ];
> );
This library embeds Fabrice Bellard’s QuickJS engine into a Perl XS module. You can thus run JavaScript (ES2020) specification) directly in your Perl programs.
This distribution includes all needed C code; unlike with most XS modules that interface with C libraries, you don’t need QuickJS pre-installed on your system.
$obj = CLASS->new()
Instantiates CLASS.
$obj = OBJ->set_globals( NAME1 => VALUE1, .. )
Sets 1 or more globals in OBJ. See below for details on type conversions from Perl to JavaScript.
$obj = OBJ->helpers()
Defines QuickJS’s “helpers”, e.g., console.log
$obj = OBJ->std()
Enables (but does not import) QuickJS’s std
$obj = OBJ->os()
Like std()
but for QuickJS’s os
$VALUE = OBJ->eval( $JS_CODE )
Comparable to running qjs -e '...'
. Returns the last value from $JS_CODE; see below for details on type conversions from JavaScript to Perl.
Untrapped exceptions in JavaScript will be rethrown as Perl exceptions.
OBJ->eval_module( $JS_CODE )
Runs $JS_CODE as a module, which enables ES6 module syntax. Note that no values can be returned directly in this mode of execution.
This module converts returned values from JavaScript thus:
JS string primitives become character strings in Perl.
JS number & boolean primitives become corresponding Perl values.
JS null & undefined become Perl undef.
JS objects …
Arrays become Perl array references.
“Plain” objects become Perl hash references.
Functions become Perl code references.
Behaviour is UNDEFINED for other object types.
Generally speaking, it’s the inverse of JS → Perl, though since Perl doesn’t differentiate “numeric strings” from “numbers” there’s occasional ambiguity. In such cases, behavior is undefined; be sure to typecast in JavaScript accordingly.
Perl strings, numbers, & booleans become corresponding JavaScript primitives.
Perl undef becomes JS null.
Unblessed array & hash references become JavaScript arrays and “plain” objects.
Perl code references become JavaScript functions.
Anything else triggers an exception.
Due to QuickJS limitations, Linux & macOS are the only platforms known to work “out-of-the-box”. Other POSIX OSes should work with some small tweaks to quickjs; see the compiler errors and quickjs.c for more details.
Pull requests to improve portability are welcome!
Other JavaScript modules on CPAN include:
JavaScript::Duktape::XS and JavaScript::Duktape make the Duktape library available to Perl. They’re similar to this library, but Duktape itself (as of this writing) lacks support for several JavaScript constructs that QuickJS supports. (It’s also slower.)
JavaScript::V8 and JavaScript::V8::XS expose Google’s V8 library to Perl. Neither seems to support current V8 versions.
JE is a pure-Perl (!) JavaScript engine.
JavaScript and JavaScript::Lite expose Mozilla’s SpiderMonkey engine to Perl.
Copyright 2022 Gasper Software Consulting.
This library is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.