Changes for version 0.28
- WARNING: Net::ACME2::Challenge::error() now returns a Net::ACME2::Error instance rather than a plain hash reference. Since the internals of N::A2::Error line up with the hash reference, this should not break existing clients; however, the object’s internal state may eventually change, which *would* break any pre-0.28 callers. Implementors SHOULD migrate to the object accessors before upgrading to this release.
- Fix debug=1 left in from previous change … oops.
- Use Module::Runtime rather than Module::Load.
- Make’s create_handler() optionally accept a Net::ACME2 instance in lieu of the key authorization. This simplifies the use of that method a bit and makes it consistent with’s get_record_value().
- get_terms_of_service() is now callable as either a class method or an instance method.
- Improved documentation of error classes.
Client logic for the ACME (Let’s Encrypt) protocol
http-01 challenge handler
error parsing logic for ACME
transport logic for Net::ACME2.
HTTP client for Net::ACME
Let’s Encrypt’s v2 API endpoint
in lib/Net/ACME2/
in lib/Net/ACME2/
in lib/Net/ACME2/
in lib/Net/ACME2/HTTP/
in lib/Net/ACME2/
in lib/Net/ACME2/JWTMaker/
in lib/Net/ACME2/JWTMaker/
in lib/Net/ACME2/
in lib/Net/ACME2/X/
in lib/Net/ACME2/X/
in lib/Net/ACME2/X/
in lib/Net/ACME2/X/
in lib/Net/ACME2/X/
in lib/Net/ACME2/X/