Net::Curl::Promiser - A Promise interface for Net::Curl::Multi


This module wraps Net::Curl::Multi to facilitate asynchronous HTTP requests with Promise objects.

Net::Curl::Promiser itself is a base class; you’ll need to provide an interface to whatever event loop you use. See "SUBCLASS INTERFACE" below.

This distribution provides Net::Curl::Promiser::Select and Net::Curl::Promiser::AnyEvent as both demonstrations and easily portable implementations. See the distribution’s /examples directory for another.


This class’s default Promise implementation is Promise::ES6. You can use a different one by overriding the PROMISE_CLASS() method in a subclass, as long as the substitute class’s new() method works the same way as Promise::ES6’s (which itself follows the ECMAScript standard).



Instantiates this class. This creates an underlying Net::Curl::Multi object and calls the subclass’s _INIT() method at the end, passing a reference to @ARGS.

promise($EASY) = OBJ->add_handle( $EASY )

A passthrough to the underlying Net::Curl::Multi object’s method of the same name, but the return is given as a Promise object.

That promise resolves with the passed-in $EASY object. It rejects with either the error given to fail_handle() or the error that Net::Curl::Multi object’s info_read() returns;

IMPORTANT: As with libcurl itself, HTTP-level failures (e.g., 4xx and 5xx responses) are NOT considered failures at this level.

$obj = OBJ->fail_handle( $EASY, $REASON )

Prematurely fails $EASY. The given $REASON will be the associated Promise object’s rejection value.

$num = OBJ->get_timeout()

Returns the underlying Net::Curl::Multi object’s timeout() value, with a suitable (positive) default substituted if that value is less than 0.

(NB: This value is in milliseconds.)

This may not suit your needs; if you wish/need, you can handle timeouts via the CURLMOPT_TIMERFUNCTION callback instead.

$obj = OBJ->process( @ARGS )

Tell the underlying Net::Curl::Multi object which socket events have happened.

If, in fact, no events have happened, then this calls socket_action(CURL_SOCKET_TIMEOUT) on the Net::Curl::Multi object (similar to time_out()).

Finally, this reaps whatever pending HTTP responses may be ready and resolves or rejects the corresponding Promise objects.

Returns OBJ.

$is_active = OBJ->time_out();

Tell the underlying Net::Curl::Multi object that a timeout happened, and reap whatever pending HTTP responses may be ready.

Calls socket_action(CURL_SOCKET_TIMEOUT) on the underlying Net::Curl::Multi object. The return is the same as that operation returns.

Since process() can also do the work of this function, a call to this function is just an optimization.

$obj = OBJ->setopt( … )

A passthrough to the underlying Net::Curl::Multi object’s method of the same name. Returns OBJ to facilitate chaining.


$obj = OBJ->handles( … )

A passthrough to the underlying Net::Curl::Multi object’s method of the same name.


To use Net::Curl::Promiser, you’ll need a subclass that defines the following methods:

  • _INIT(\@ARGS): Called at the end of new(). Receives a reference to the arguments given to new().

  • _SET_POLL_IN($FD): Tells the event loop that the given file descriptor is ready to read.

  • _SET_POLL_OUT($FD): Like _SET_POLL_IN() but for a write event.

  • _SET_POLL_INOUT($FD): Like _SET_POLL_IN() but registers a read and write event simultaneously.

  • _STOP_POLL($FD): Tells the event loop that the given file descriptor is finished.

  • _GET_FD_ACTION(\@ARGS): Receives a reference to the arguments given to process() and returns a reference to a hash of ( $fd => $event_mask ). $event_mask is the sum of Net::Curl::Multi::CURL_CSELECT_IN() and/or Net::Curl::Multi::CURL_CSELECT_OUT(), depending on which events are available.


See the distribution’s /examples directory.


If you use AnyEvent, then AnyEvent::XSPromises with AnyEvent::YACurl may be a nicer fit for you.


Copyright 2019 Gasper Software Consulting.

This library is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.

1 POD Error

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