Promise::ES6 - ES6-style promises in Perl


my $promise = Promise::ES6->new( sub {
    my ($resolve_cr, $reject_cr) = @_;

    # ..
} );

my $promise2 = $promise->then( sub { .. }, sub { .. } );

my $promise3 = $promise->catch( sub { .. } );

my $promise4 = $promise->finally( sub { .. } );

my $resolved = Promise::ES6->resolve(5);
my $rejected = Promise::ES6->reject('nono');

my $all_promise = Promise::ES6->all( \@promises );

my $race_promise = Promise::ES6->race( \@promises );


This is a rewrite of Promise::Tiny that implements fixes for certain bugs that proved hard to fix in the original code. This module also removes superfluous dependencies on AnyEvent and Scalar::Util.

The interface is the same, except:

  • Promise resolutions and rejections accept exactly one argument, not a list. (This accords with the standard.)

  • A finally() method is defined.

  • Unhandled rejections are reported via warn(). (See below for details.)


Right now this doesn’t try for interoperability with other promise classes. If that’s something you want, make a feature request.


As of version 0.05, unhandled rejections prompt a warning only if one of the following is true:

1) The unhandled rejection happens outside of the constructor.
2) The unhandled rejection happens via an uncaught exception (even within the constructor).


If you’re not sure of what promises are, there are several good introductions to the topic. You might start with this one.