Changes for version 0.15

  • BUG FIX: Make all() ignore rejections after the first one.
  • Promise::ES6’s internal representation has changed to reduce memory usage. Any code that may depend on the former internals will likely be broken.
  • Speed up implementation.
  • Clarify intent when an executor function $resolve_cr is passed a promise.
  • Make Mojo subclass require a sufficiently modern Mojo::IOLoop.
  • Update docs a bit.
  • Refactor implementation to prepare for XS backend.


ES6-style promises in Perl
Promises/A+-compliant promises
Translation to/from Future
Promises/A+-compliant promises for IO::Async
Promises/A+-compliant promises for Mojolicious


in lib/Promise/ES6/Backend/
in lib/Promise/ES6/
in lib/Promise/ES6/