Changes for version 0.15

  • BREAKING CHANGE: This module now expects and returns strings as character-decoded. Previously it did no encoding nor decoding. (This change is made to prevent invalid UTF-8 from being sent.)
  • BREAKING CHANGE: send_call()’s returned promise, in cases where a reply is not requested, now resolves when the message is sent.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: send_call() no longer throws exceptions; all failure cases are communicated as rejections of the returned promise. This change is made to obviate the need to trap exceptions in event loops.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: send_return(), send_error(), and send_signal() now all return promises that resolve when the message is sent. Previously they returned a boolean that indicated whether the message had been sent or was still queued. This change is made to make use within event loops a bit more natural. It also effects a more consistent interface: all send_*() methods now return promises.
  • Add on_failure callback to event loop modules.
  • Document “flags” parameter to send_call().


D-Bus in pure Perl
D-Bus with AnyEvent
Base class for event-driven Protocol::DBus
Messenger for Protocol::DBus::Client::EventBase subclasses.
D-Bus with IO::Async
D-Bus with Mojolicious
base class for a D-Bus peer


in lib/Protocol/DBus/
in lib/Protocol/DBus/
in lib/Protocol/DBus/Authn/
in lib/Protocol/DBus/Authn/Mechanism/
in lib/Protocol/DBus/Authn/Mechanism/DBUS_COOKIE_SHA1/
in lib/Protocol/DBus/Authn/Mechanism/
in lib/Protocol/DBus/Client/
in lib/Protocol/DBus/
in lib/Protocol/DBus/
in lib/Protocol/DBus/Message/
in lib/Protocol/DBus/
in lib/Protocol/DBus/
in lib/Protocol/DBus/Parser/
in lib/Protocol/DBus/
in lib/Protocol/DBus/
in lib/Protocol/DBus/
in lib/Protocol/DBus/
in lib/Protocol/DBus/
in lib/Protocol/DBus/X/
in lib/Protocol/DBus/X/