Rex::Test::Base - Basic Test Module
This module is a basic Test module to test your Code with the help of local VMs. To create a test you first have to create the "t" directory. Then you can create your test files inside this directory.
use Rex::Test::Base;
use Data::Dumper;
use Rex -base;
test {
my $t = shift;
$t->name("ubuntu test");
$t->vm_auth(user => "root", password => "box");
$t->has_content("/etc/passwd", qr{root:x:0:}ms);
run "ls -l";
$t->ok($? == 0, "ls -l returns success.");
1; # last line
- new(name => $test_name)
Constructor if used in OO mode.
my $test = Rex::Test::Base->new(name => "test_name");
- name($name)
The name of the test. For each test a new vm will be created named after $name.
- vm_auth(%auth)
Authentication option for the VM.
- base_vm($vm)
The url to a vm that should be used as base VM.
- redirect_port($port)
The redirected SSH port. Default 2222.
- run_task($task)
The task to run on the test vm.
- has_content($file, $regexp)
Test if the content of $file matches against $regexp.
- has_package($package)
Test if the package $package is installed.
- has_file($file)
Test if the file $file is present.
- has_service_running($service)
Test if the service $service is running.
- has_service_stopped($service)
Test if the service $service is stopped.