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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use v5.12.5;
our $VERSION = '9999.99.99_99'; # VERSION
use File::Temp qw(tmpnam);
use Module::Load::Conditional qw(check_install);
my $augeas_binary = 'augtool';
my $augeas_module = 'Config::Augeas';
my @augeas_backends;
if ( can_run($augeas_binary) ) {
push @augeas_backends, $augeas_binary;
if ( check_install( module => $augeas_module ) ) {
push @augeas_backends, $augeas_module;
if (@augeas_backends) {
plan tests => 1 + scalar @augeas_backends;
else {
plan skip_all => 'Could not find any Augeas backends';
my $file = tmpnam();
my $test_value = 'rex';
for my $backend (@augeas_backends) {
subtest "Simplelines lens with $backend" => sub {
plan tests => 7;
[ "transform Simplelines incl $file", 'load', ] );
my $path = '/files' . $file . '/1';
is( -e $file, undef, 'test file does not exist yet' );
# modify
augeas modify => $path => $test_value;
is( -e $file, 1, 'test file created' );
# exists
my $has_first_entry = augeas exists => $path;
is( $has_first_entry, 1, 'first entry exists' );
# get
my $retrieved_value = augeas get => $path;
is( $retrieved_value, $test_value, 'test value retrieved' );
# dump
sub { augeas dump => $path },
qq($path = "$test_value"\n),
'correct dump output'
# remove
augeas remove => $path;
my $still_has_first_entry = augeas exists => $path;
is( $still_has_first_entry, 0, 'first entry removed' );
unlink $file;
is( -e $file, undef, 'test file cleaned up' );