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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use v5.12.5;
our $VERSION = '9999.99.99_99'; # VERSION
use autodie;
can_run('rsync') or plan skip_all => 'Could not find rsync command';
eval 'use Rex::Commands::Rsync; 1'
or plan skip_all => 'Could not load Rex::Commands::Rsync module';
use Cwd qw(realpath);
use File::Basename qw(basename dirname);
use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
my %source_for = (
'rsync with absolute path' => realpath('t/sync'),
'rsync with relative path' => 't/sync',
'rsync with spaces in absolute path' => realpath('t/sync/dir with spaces'),
'rsync with spaces in relative path' => 't/sync/dir with spaces',
'rsync with wildcard in absolute path' => realpath('t/sync/*'),
'rsync with wildcard in relative path' => 't/sync/*',
plan tests => 1 + 2 * scalar keys %source_for;
for my $scenario ( sort keys %source_for ) {
test_rsync( $scenario, $source_for{$scenario} );
test_rsync( $scenario, $source_for{$scenario}, { download => 1 } );
sub test_rsync {
my ( $scenario, $source, $options ) = @_;
subtest $scenario => sub {
my $target = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
# test target directory
ok( -d $target, "$target is a directory" );
opendir( my $DIR, $target );
my @contents = readdir $DIR;
closedir $DIR;
my @empty = qw(. ..);
cmp_deeply( \@contents, set(@empty), "$target is empty" );
# sync contents
my $task = Rex::Task->new(
name => 'rsync_test',
func => sub { sync $source, $target, $options },
# test sync results
my ( @expected, @result );
my $prefix;
if ( basename($source) =~ qr{\*} ) {
$source = dirname($source);
$prefix = $source;
else {
$prefix = dirname($source);
# expected results
wanted => sub {
push @expected, $_ if length($_);
no_chdir => 1
# actual results
wanted => sub {
push @result, $_ if length($_);
no_chdir => 1
cmp_deeply( \@result, set(@expected), 'synced dir matches' );