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# (c) Jan Gehring <>
# vim: set ts=3 sw=3 tw=0:
# vim: set expandtab:
use strict;
our $VERSION = '1.7.0'; # VERSION
require Rex::Exporter;
require Rex::Commands;
use vars qw (@EXPORT);
@EXPORT = qw(param_lookup);
sub param_lookup {
my ( $key, $default ) = @_;
my $ret;
my ($caller_pkg) = caller(0);
my @args = Devel::Caller::caller_args(1);
if ( ref $args[0] eq "HASH" ) {
if ( exists $args[0]->{$key} ) {
$ret = $args[0]->{$key};
if ( !$ret ) {
# check if cmdb is loaded
my ($use_cmdb) = grep { m/CMDB\.pm/ } keys %INC;
if ($use_cmdb) {
# look inside cmdb
my $cmdb_key = "${caller_pkg}::$key";
$ret = Rex::Commands::get( Rex::CMDB::cmdb($cmdb_key) );
if ( !$ret ) {
# check in resource
if ( Rex::Resource->is_inside_resource ) {
$cmdb_key =
Rex::Resource->get_current_resource->display_name . "::$key";
$ret = Rex::Commands::get( Rex::CMDB::cmdb($cmdb_key) );
if ( !$ret ) {
# check in task
my $task = Rex::Commands::task();
if ($task) {
my $task_name = $task->{name};
$task_name =~ s/:/::/;
$cmdb_key = $task_name . "::$key";
$ret = Rex::Commands::get( Rex::CMDB::cmdb($cmdb_key) );
if ( !$ret ) {
# check in global namespace
$ret = Rex::Commands::get( Rex::CMDB::cmdb($key) );
if ( !$ret ) {
$ret = $default;
if ( Rex::Resource->is_inside_resource ) {
Rex::Resource->get_current_resource()->set_parameter( $key => $ret );
if ( !Rex::Resource->is_inside_resource ) {
Rex::Commands::task()->set_opt( $key => $ret );
return $ret;
=head1 NAME
Rex::Helper::Rexfile::ParamLookup - A command to manage task parameters.
A command to manage task parameters. Additionally it register the parameters as template values.
This module also looks inside a CMDB (if present) for a valid key.
task "setup", sub {
my $var = param_lookup "param_name", "default_value";
=head1 LOOKUP
First I<param_lookup> checks the task parameters for a valid parameter. If none is found and if a CMDB is used, it will look inside the cmdb.
If your module is named "Rex::NTP" than it will first look if the key "Rex::NTP::param_name" exists. If it doesn't exists it checks for the key "param_name".