Rex::Logger - Logging Module


This module is the logging module. You can define custom logformats.


$Rex::Logger::format = '[%D] %s';
# will output something like
# [2012-04-12 18:35:12] Installing package vim
$Rex::Logger::format = '%h - %D - %s';
# will output something like
# srv001 - 2012-04-12 18:35:12 - Installing package vim



Setting this variable to 1 will enable debug logging.

$Rex::Logger::debug = 1;

If you set this variable to 1 nothing will be logged.

$Rex::Logger::silent = 1;

You can define the logging format with the following parameters.

%D - Appends the current date yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss

%h - The target host

%p - The pid of the running process

%l - Loglevel (INFO or DEBUG)

%s - The Logstring

Default is: [%D] %l - %s