Changes for version 0.14_04 (TRIAL RELEASE)

  • [EXPERIMENTAL] Prepare for extensions
  • Fix switching off and on

Changes for version 0.14_03 (TRIAL RELEASE)

  • Document import() and unimport()
  • Internal refactoring: Carp::Always::_longmess()

Changes for version 0.14_02 (TRIAL RELEASE)

    • Carp::Always enabling via import() - that means "use Carp::Always" works, but not "use Carp::Always ()"
    • Carp::Always disabling via unimport() - That means disabling can be done with "no Carp::Always"
    • Carp::Always doesn't use BEGIN and END blocks anymore

Changes for version 0.14_01 (TRIAL RELEASE)

  • Tighter regex to suppress " at FILE line LINE.\n" RT#96561
  • Tests for edge cases of warn () and die ()


Warns and dies noisily with stack backtraces