Carp::Indeed - Warns and dies noisily with stack backtraces


use Carp::Indeed;

makes every warn() and die() complains loudly in the calling package and elsewhere. More often used on the command line:

perl -MCarp::Indeed


This module is meant as a debugging aid. It can be used to make a script complain loudly with stack backtraces when warn()ing or die()ing.

Here are how stack backtraces produced by this module looks:

# it works for explicit die's and warn's
$ perl -MCarp::Indeed -e 'sub f { die "arghh" }; sub g { f }; g'
arghh at -e line 1
        main::f() called at -e line 1
        main::g() called at -e line 1

# it works for interpreter-thrown failures
$ perl -MCarp::Indeed -w -e 'sub f { $a = shift; @a = @$a };' \
                         -e 'sub g { f(undef) }; g'
Use of uninitialized value in array dereference at -e line 1
        main::f('undef') called at -e line 2
        main::g() called at -e line 2

In the implementation, the Carp module does the heavy work, through longmess(). The actual implementation sets the signal hooks $SIG{__WARN__} and $SIG{__DIE__} to emit the stack backtraces.

Oh, by the way, carp and croak when requiring/using the Carp module are also made verbose, behaving like cloak and confess, respectively.


Nothing at all is exported.


This module was born as a reaction to a release of Acme::JavaTrace by Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni. Sébastien also has a newer module called Devel::SimpleTrace with the same code and fewer flame comments on docs. The pruning of the uselessly long docs of this module were prodded by Michael Schwern.


Please report bugs via CPAN RT


Every (un)deserving module has its own pet bugs.

  • This module does not play well with other modules which fusses around with warn, die, $SIG{'__WARN__'}, $SIG{'__DIE__'}.

  • Test scripts are good. I should write more of these.

  • "The module name stinks." Suggestions are welcome. I have been thinking in Carp::ForReal, Carp::ForFree, Carp::LikeCrazy (jdavidb's suggestion), etc. I would prefer something simpler with a single English work like "Indeed", but which sounds better for a native English speaker (which I am not).


Adriano Ferreira, <>


Copyright (C) 2005 by Adriano R. Ferreira

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 94:

Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Sébastien'. Assuming CP1252