Jojo::Base - Mojo::Base + lexical "has"
version 0.6.0
package Cat {
use Jojo::Base -base; # requires perl 5.18+
has name => 'Nyan';
has ['age', 'weight'] => 4;
package Tiger {
use Jojo::Base 'Cat';
has friend => sub { Cat->new };
has stripes => 42;
package main;
use Jojo::Base -strict;
my $mew = Cat->new(name => 'Longcat');
say $mew->age;
say $mew->age(3)->weight(5)->age;
my $rawr = Tiger->new(stripes => 38, weight => 250);
say $rawr->tap(sub { $_->friend->name('Tacgnol') })->weight;
Jojo::Base works kind of like Mojo::Base but has
is imported as lexical subroutine.
Jojo::Base, like Mojo::Base, is a simple base class designed to be effortless and powerful.
# Enables "strict", "warnings", "utf8" and Perl 5.18 and "lexical_subs" features
use Jojo::Base -strict;
use Jojo::Base -base;
use Jojo::Base 'SomeBaseClass';
use Jojo::Base -role;
All four forms save a lot of typing. Note that role support depends on Jojo::Role (0.4.0+).
# use Jojo::Base -strict;
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use feature ':5.18';
use experimental 'lexical_subs';
use IO::Handle ();
# use Jojo::Base -base;
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use feature ':5.18';
use experimental 'lexical_subs';
use IO::Handle ();
push @ISA, 'Jojo::Base';
state sub has { ... } # attributes
state sub with { ... } # role composition
# use Jojo::Base 'SomeBaseClass';
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use feature ':5.18';
use experimental 'lexical_subs';
use IO::Handle ();
require SomeBaseClass;
push @ISA, 'SomeBaseClass';
state sub has { ... } # attributes
state sub with { ... } # role composition
# use Jojo::Base -role;
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use feature ':5.18';
use experimental 'lexical_subs';
use IO::Handle ();
use Jojo::Role;
state sub has { ... } # attributes
On Perl 5.20+ you can also append a -signatures
flag to all four forms and enable support for subroutine signatures.
# Also enable signatures
use Jojo::Base -strict, -signatures;
use Jojo::Base -base, -signatures;
use Jojo::Base 'SomeBaseClass', -signatures;
use Jojo::Base -role, -signatures;
This will also disable experimental warnings on versions of Perl where this feature was still experimental.
All functions are exported as lexical subs
Role support depends on Jojo::Role instead of Role::Tiny
is exported alongsidehas
(when Jojo::Role is available)Feature bundle for Perl 5.18 is enabled by default, instead of 5.10
Support for lexical subroutines is enabled by default
Jojo::Base implements the following functions, which can be imported with the -base
flag, or by setting a base class.
has 'name';
has ['name1', 'name2', 'name3'];
has name => 'foo';
has name => sub {...};
has ['name1', 'name2', 'name3'] => 'foo';
has ['name1', 'name2', 'name3'] => sub {...};
Create attributes for hash-based objects, just like the "attr" in Mojo::Base method.
with 'SubClass::Role::One';
with '+One', '+Two';
Composes the current package with one or more Jojo::Role roles. For roles following the naming scheme MyClass::Role::RoleName
you can use the shorthand +RoleName
. Note that role support depends on Jojo::Role (0.4.0+).
It works with Jojo::Role or Role::Tiny roles.
Jojo::Base inherits all methods from Mojo::Base and implements the following new ones.
my $new_class = SubClass->with_roles('SubClass::Role::One');
my $new_class = SubClass->with_roles('+One', '+Two');
$object = $object->with_roles('+One', '+Two');
Create a new class with one or more roles. If called on a class returns the new class, or if called on an object reblesses the object into the new class. For roles following the naming scheme MyClass::Role::RoleName
you can use the shorthand +RoleName
. Note that role support depends on Jojo::Role (0.4.0+).
# Create a new class with the role "SubClass::Role::Foo" and instantiate it
my $new_class = SubClass->with_roles('+Foo');
my $object = $new_class->new;
It works with Jojo::Role or Role::Tiny roles.
Jojo::Base requires perl 5.18 or newer
Because a lexical sub does not behave like a package import, some code may need to be enclosed in blocks to avoid warnings like
"state" subroutine &has masks earlier declaration in same scope at...
Thanks to Sebastian Riedel and others, the authors and copyright holders of Mojo::Base.
Adriano Ferreira <>
This software is Copyright (c) 2017 by Adriano Ferreira.
This is free software, licensed under:
The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)