which_pm - Perl script to find out which versions of certain Perl modules are installed


which_pm [--verbose] [--quiet] [--p5p] DBI DBD::
which_pm --help
which_pm --man
which_pm --version

which_pm Module::Find Module::Which File::

  -verbose       shows error messages (due to "require $module")
  -quiet         hides error messages (due to "require $module")
  -help          brief help message
  -man           full documentation
  -version       prints the version number of this script
  -include       restricts library paths (defaults to @INC) (also --inc, -I)

  -plain         print plain paths (default)
  -p5p           prints p5-paths
  -width         determines the terminal width (default: 78)



Version is determined by doing a require on runtime. In case, the statement fails, error messages are shown.


Version is determined by doing a require on runtime. In case, the statement fails, error messages are silently hidden. This is the default. A failure during require will result 'unknown' as version.


Print a brief help message and exits.


Prints the manual page and exits.


Prints the version number and exits.

-p5p, -plain

Toogles on and off printing paths as p5-paths or plain paths. For example, in a machine where the Config variable installarchlib holds "C:\tools\Perl5\lib" and File::Spec is found at "c:/tools/Perl5/lib/File/", the p5-path is "${installarchlib}/".


When this switch is explicit, the library path is restricted. Otherwise, the library path defaults to @INC. This can be spelt also as --inc or -I.


Determines the terminal width and defaults to 78. To avoid truncation, use -w 0.


See the the documentation of Module::Which.


Please report bugs via CPAN RT


Adriano R. Ferreira, <>


Copyright (C) 2005 by Adriano R. Ferreira

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.