Revision history for Perl extension Business-BR.

0.00_03 Tue Jun 8 2005
        - tests "t/*_cpf.t" renamed to "t/cpf_*.t"
        - added new module Business::BR::CNPJ but POD is not finished
	  and tests aren't provided (except for a partial "t/cnpj_test.t")
        - the heart of the distribution goes to Business::BR::Biz
        - "_dot" goes to Business::BR::Biz::Common
        - the ABSTRACT fix of the previous version was not enough
	  for correct CPAN display - now using a META.yml with 'abstract' key
        - Adam Kennedy pointed that the general CPAN convention 
	  for naming distributions would suggest Business-BR instead of biz-br:
          I would like to stick to this distribution name to mean
	  a partial bundle of Business::BR::* modules I will be authoring

0.00_02 Tue Jun 7 2005
        - fixed the missing ABSTRACT
	- added flatten_cpf(), format_cpf(), parse_cpf() to Business::BR::CPF
	- added corresponding tests

0.00_01 Tue Jun 7 2005
        - Business::BR::CPF provides test_cpf()
        - submitted to CPAN 

0.01  Tue Jun  7 08:06:16 2005
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
		-AX -n biz-br