Changes for version 0.00_03
- tests "t/*_cpf.t" renamed to "t/cpf_*.t"
- added new module Business::BR::CNPJ but POD is not finished and tests aren't provided (except for a partial "t/cnpj_test.t")
- the heart of the distribution goes to Business::BR::Biz
- "_dot" goes to Business::BR::Biz::Common
- the ABSTRACT fix of the previous version was not enough for correct CPAN display - now using a META.yml with 'abstract' key
- Adam Kennedy pointed that the general CPAN convention for naming distributions would suggest Business-BR instead of biz-br: I would like to stick to this distribution name to mean a partial bundle of Business::BR::* modules I will be authoring
Changes for version 0.00_02
- fixed the missing ABSTRACT
- added flatten_cpf(), format_cpf(), parse_cpf() to Business::BR::CPF
- added corresponding tests
Changes for version 0.00_01
- Business::BR::CPF provides test_cpf()
- submitted to CPAN
root for namespace of Brazilian business-related modules
Modules for Brazilian business-related subjects
common code used in biz-br modules
Perl module to test for correct CNPJ numbers
Perl module to test for correct CPF numbers