use 5.00503;
use strict;
require Inline;
use Carp;
use vars qw( $VERSION @ISA $parrot $DEBUG );
@ISA = qw( Inline );
$VERSION = '0.1201';
$DEBUG = 0;
$parrot = Inline::Parrot::parrot->new(
# parrot_file_name => 'parrot',
# parrot_interpreter_file_name => 'parrot-interp.pir',
parrot_options => [],
debug => 0,
print __PACKAGE__ . "::DEBUG is on.\n"
if $DEBUG;
sub register {
return {
language => 'Parrot',
aliases => ['parrot', 'pir'],
type => 'interpreted',
suffix => 'pir',
sub usage_config {
sub usage_config_bar {
sub validate {
sub build {
my $o = shift;
my $code = $o->{API}{code};
my $pattern = $o->{ILSM}{PATTERN};
my $path = File::Spec->catdir(
my $obj = $o->{API}{location};
$o->mkpath($path) unless -d $path;
print "saving preprocessed code snippet [ $code ] into file [ $obj ] \n"
if $DEBUG;
open PARROT_OBJ, "|-", $parrot->{parrot_file_name} . " -E - > $obj"
or croak "Can't open Parrot preprocessor for file $obj\n$!";
print PARROT_OBJ $code;
close \*PARROT_OBJ;
my @sub_name;
my %sub_param;
my %sub_prototyped;
sub load {
my $o = shift;
my $obj = $o->{API}{location};
open PARROT_OBJ, "< $obj"
or croak "Can't open $obj for output\n$!";
my @code = <PARROT_OBJ>;
close \*PARROT_OBJ;
my $package = $o->{API}{pkg};
# warn "Loaded [\n@code ]\n";
# warn "Package $package\n";
# --- parser ---
# Look for ".pcc_sub" / ".param"
my $sub_name = "";
for ( @code )
if ( m/^\s*\.pcc_sub\s+(\w+)/ )
# prototyped == must use the parameter list XXX
# non_prototyped == use @_ XXX
push @sub_name, $1;
$sub_name = $1;
$sub_prototyped{ $sub_name } = m/\bprototyped\b/ ? "prototyped" : "non_prototyped";
$sub_param{ $sub_name } = [];
if ( m/^\s*\.param\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)/ )
push @{ $sub_param{ $sub_name } }, { type => $1, name => $2 };
# send the code to the Parrot compiler
my $status = $parrot->compile( join '' => @code );
print "parrot compiler returned status: \n$status --\n"
if $DEBUG;
unless ( $status =~ m/\n\$\$ret\$\$\n/ )
my ( $error ) = $status =~ m/\$\$start\$\$\n(.*)/s;
warn "Error compiling Parrot, near subroutine \"$sub_name\" ".
" in package $package: $error\n";
my $inline_package = __PACKAGE__;
for my $sub_name ( @sub_name )
my $perl_accessor = '
package '.$package.' ;
sub '.$sub_name.' {
print "start parrot sub '.$sub_name.' \n"
if $Inline::Parrot::DEBUG;
my ( $param, $value ) = '.$inline_package.'::_setup_parrot_parameters( "'.$sub_name.'", @_ );
my $cmd =
"_start_sub_'.$sub_name.'\n" .
".pcc_sub _start_sub_'.$sub_name.'\n" .
" \$P1 = P1\n" .
" .local pmc sub\n" .
$param .
" .pcc_call sub\n" .
" .pcc_end\n" .
# don\'t mess with the return values
# " .pcc_begin_return\n" .
# " .pcc_end_return\n" .
" P1 = \$P1\n" .
".end\n" ;
# print "cmd [ \n$cmd ] \n";
my $status = $Inline::Parrot::parrot->compile_and_run( $cmd, $value );
print "parrot returned status: \n$status --\n"
if $Inline::Parrot::DEBUG;
unless ( $status =~ m/\n\$\$ret\$\$\n/ )
my ( $error ) = $status =~ m/\$\$start\$\$\n(.*)/s;
warn "Runtime error calling Parrot subroutine \"'.$sub_name.'\" ".
"in package '.$package.': $error\n";
my ( $stdout, $return ) = $status =~
print $stdout if $stdout;
#print STDOUT "Return: $return\n";
my @return = split /\n/s , $return;
my $prototyped = shift @return;
my $int_count = shift @return;
my $string_count = shift @return;
my $pmc_count = shift @return;
my $float_count = shift @return;
# my @int_return = splice @return => 0, $int_count-1;
# my @string_return = splice @return => 0, $string_count-1;
my @ret;
while ( @return )
my $strlen = shift @return;
my $str;
$str = shift @return;
while ( length( $str ) < $strlen )
$str .= "\n";
#last unless @return;
#next unless length( $str ) < $strlen ;
my $s = shift @return;
$str .= $s if defined $s;
push @ret, $str;
@return = @ret;
# print "Return list: @return \n";
# warn "end parrot sub '.$sub_name.' \n";
return $return[0] unless $#return;
return @return;
# warn "Cmd [ $perl_accessor ]\n";
eval $perl_accessor;
croak "Unable to load Parrot module $sub_name:\n$@" if $@;
sub info {
sub _setup_parrot_parameters {
# print "Param list: @_ \n";
my $sub_name = shift;
# @_ = ( "test", 1233 );
# return "" unless @_;
my @param = @{ $sub_param{ $sub_name } };
# print "setting Sub $sub_name $sub_prototyped{ $sub_name } \n";
# for my $param ( @param )
# {
# print " $param->{name} is $param->{type} \n";
# }
# TODO: add code for accepting arrays, hashes, references, callbacks, undef
my $param = "";
my $value = "";
my $param_count = scalar @_;
$param .= " find_global sub, \"$sub_name\" \n";
# $param .= '
# defined I1, sub
# print "Defined "
# print I1
# print "\n"
# ';
for ( 0 .. $#_ )
my $def = $param[$_];
my $val = $_[$_];
if ( $def )
$param .= " .local $def->{type} $def->{name}\n";
$param .= " read \$S12, ". length($val) ."\n";
$param .= " set $def->{name}, \$S12\n";
$value .= $val;
$param .= " .local string var$_\n" .
" set var$_, \"$val\"\n";
$param .= " .pcc_begin $sub_prototyped{ $sub_name } \n";
for ( 0 .. $#_ )
my $def = $param[$_];
my $val = $_[$_];
if ( $def )
$param .= " .arg $def->{name}\n";
$param .= " .arg var$_\n";
# print "Param \n$param \n";
return ( $param, $value );
# setting up a PMC
.sub _x
new P0, .PerlString
set P0, "aaa"
# sub types
.sub _x non_prototyped / prototyped
.pcc_sub _sub prototyped
.param int a
.param int b
.local int c
c = a + b
.return c # what's c type ?
.pcc_sub _sub non_prototyped
.param int a
print a
=head1 NAME
Inline::Parrot - Inline Parrot code in Perl5
use Inline Parrot;
print "Start Perl\n";
my $s = _hello( "world" );
print "$s\n";
print "End Perl\n";
.pcc_sub _hello
.param string x
print "Hello "
print x
print "\n"
.local string s
s = "Goodbye "
s = s . x
.return s
Start Perl
Hello world
Goodbye world
End Perl
The Inline::Parrot module allows you to insert Parrot source code directly
"inline" in a Perl script or module.
Perl parameters are passed as specified in the Parrot Calling Conventions:
=head2 Global variables
C<$Inline::Parrot::parrot> - A Parrot interpreter object.
See L<Inline::Parrot::parrot> for the available methods.
=head2 Release notes
The current version does not work with arrays, hashes, references, and special values such as C<undef>.
All parameters passed between Perl and Parrot are stringified scalars.
If you modify an included file, this change may not be noticed by C<Inline::Parrot>.
That's because C<.include> statements are evaluated only when the main Parrot code changes.
The Parrot code should not try to read from C<STDIN>.
The C<STDIN> handle is currently used internally by the Parrot interpreter.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Inline> - the Inline module
L<> - Parrot docs
L<Inline::Parrot::parrot> - a Parrot process class
A. Randal, D. Sugalsky, L. Tötsch.
I<Perl6 and Parrot Essentials>.
2nd Edition.
O'Reilly, 2004.
ISBN 0-596-00747-X.
=head1 AUTHOR
Flavio S. Glock, E<lt>fglock@cpan.orgE<gt>
Copyright (C) 2004 by Flavio S. Glock
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.4 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.