use 5.008001;
use strict;
our $VERSION = "0.03";
use List::Util qw(max);
use List::MoreUtils qw(minmax);
use Imager;
=encoding utf-8
=head1 NAME
Geo::OSM::Imager - simplifies plotting onto OpenStreetMap tiles
my $g=Geo::OSM::Imager->new(ua => 'MyApplication');
my $image=$g->init(\@points);
my ($x,$y)=$g->latlon2xy($lat,$lon);
$image->write(file => 'test.png');
This module sets up an Imager object made of OpenStreetMap tiles, for
drawing of geographic data.
Beware of over-using OpenStreetMap tile servers, and see the usage
Be hesitant about drawing straight lines over long distances, as map
projections will cause distortion. Over more than a few hundred
metres, the author prefers to break the line into a series of points
and plot individual line segments.
=head1 USAGE
=item new()
Creates a new Geo::OSM::Imager object. Takes an optional hash of
maxx - maximum X size of the image, in pixels.
maxy - maximum Y size of the image, in pixels.
The image will generally be between 50% and 100% of this size.
margin - fractional margin around bounding points
marginlat - fractional latitude margin around bounding point
marginlon - fractional longitude margin around bounding points
The fraction of the latitude/longitude span to leave as space around
the matter to be plotted. With a margin of zero, points will be
plotted right at the edges of the image. A margin of 1/7 works well,
and is the default. marginlat and marginlon allow you to define this
separately for latitude and longitude.
tileage - minimum age to expire tiles
The number of seconds after which a tile may be considered "old" and
re-downloaded. Tileserver usage policy forbids an expiry of less than
one week (604800s), which is the default.
tiledir - directory for the tile cache
The directory in which to store tiles; it must exist.
tilesize - size of tiles
The pixel size of each tile. Leave at its default of 256 unless you
know what you're doing.
tileurl - base URL for downloading tiles
The base URL for downloading files. If you are using a local
tileserver, or a public tileserver other than OpenStreetMap, set it
ua - user-agent
Tileserver usage policy requires a "Valid HTTP User-Agent identifying
sub new {
my ($pkg,%p)=@_;
my $self={margin => 1/7,
maxx => 2400,
maxy => 2400,
tileage => 604800,
tiledir => "$ENV{HOME}/Maps/OSM",
tilesize => 256,
if (%p) {
foreach my $param (qw(margin marginlat marginlon maxx maxy tileage tiledir tilesize tileurl ua)) {
if (exists $p{$param}) {
$self->{marginlat} ||= $self->{margin};
$self->{marginlon} ||= $self->{margin};
$self->{lwp}=LWP::UserAgent->new(agent => $self->{ua});
unless (defined $self->{ua}) {
die "Need a user-agent to access OpenStreetMap tile servers";
return $self;
=item init()
Checks bounds and sets up the image. Pass an arrayref of points, each
of which can be either an arrayref [lat,lon] or a hashref including
lat and lon keys (or "latitude", "long", "longitude").
These need not be the same points you're going to plot, though that's
obviously the easiest approach.
Returns the Imager object.
sub init {
my ($self,$points)=@_;
my @series;
foreach my $p (@{$points}) {
if (ref $p eq 'ARRAY') {
map {push @{$series[$_]},$p->[$_]} (0,1);
} elsif (ref $p eq 'HASH') {
my $lat;
foreach my $latname (qw(lat latitude)) {
$lat ||= $p->{$latname};
my $lon;
foreach my $lonname (qw(lon long longitude)) {
$lon ||= $p->{$lonname};
if (defined $lat && defined $lon) {
push @{$series[0]},$lat;
push @{$series[1]},$lon;
my @minmax=map {[minmax(@{$_})]} @series;
$self->{geo}=Geo::Ellipsoid->new(units => 'degrees');
my %bounds=(lon => [undef,undef],
lat => [undef,undef]);
my $longdist=max(
); # metres
my $longscale=$longdist/$self->{maxy}; # metres/pixel
my $latdist=max(
my $latscale=$latdist/$self->{maxx};
my $scale=max($longscale,$latscale); # make sure it fits, use wider scale
while ($self->{zoomlevel} > 18) {
foreach my $mode (qw(lat lon)) {
my $mean=($bounds{$mode}[0]+$bounds{$mode}[1])/2;
foreach my $nn (0,1) {
my $img=Imager->new(xsize => $self->{tilesize}*($self->{xmax}-$self->{xmin}+1), ysize => $self->{tilesize}*($self->{ymax}-$self->{ymin}+1),
channels => 4);
mkdir "$self->{tiledir}/$self->{zoomlevel}";
foreach my $x ($self->{xmin}..$self->{xmax}) {
mkdir "$self->{tiledir}/$self->{zoomlevel}/$x";
foreach my $y ($self->{ymin}..$self->{ymax}) {
my $stub="$self->{zoomlevel}/$x/$y.png";
my $dl=1;
if (-e "$self->{tiledir}/$stub") {
my $fa=(stat("$self->{tiledir}/$stub"))[9];
if (time-$fa < $self->{tileage}) {
if ($dl) {
my $rq=HTTP::Request->new(GET => "$self->{tileurl}/$stub");
my $rp=$self->{lwp}->request($rq);
if ($rp->is_success) {
open OUT,">$self->{tiledir}/$stub" or die "Can't open $self->{tiledir}/$stub for writing\n";
binmode OUT;
print OUT $rp->content;
close OUT;
} else {
die "Couldn't fetch $self->{tileurl}/$stub\n";
my $i=Imager->new;
$i->read(file => "$self->{tiledir}/$self->{zoomlevel}/$x/$y.png");
$img->rubthrough(left => $self->{tilesize}*($x-$self->{xmin}),
top => $self->{tilesize}*($y-$self->{ymin}),
src => $i);
my $xclipmax=int(($self->latlon2xy($bounds{lat}[1],$bounds{lon}[1]))[0]);
my $xclipmin=int(($self->latlon2xy($bounds{lat}[0],$bounds{lon}[0]))[0]+.9999999);
my $yclipmax=int(($self->latlon2xy($bounds{lat}[0],$bounds{lon}[0]))[1]+.9999999);
my $yclipmin=int(($self->latlon2xy($bounds{lat}[1],$bounds{lon}[1]))[1]);
$self->{img}=$img->crop(left => $xclipmin,
top => $yclipmin,
width => $xclipmax-$xclipmin,
height => $yclipmax-$yclipmin);
return $self->{img};
=item image()
Returns the Imager object.
# let the user plot onto it
sub image {
my ($self)=@_;
unless (exists $self->{img}) {
die "Not yet initialised.\n";
return $self->{img};
=item zoom()
Returns the zoom level of the initialised object. See
for more.
sub zoom {
my ($self)=@_;
unless (exists $self->{img}) {
die "Not yet initialised.\n";
return $self->{zoomlevel};
sub getTileNumber {
my ($self,$lat,$lon) = @_;
my $zoom = $self->{zoomlevel};
my $xtile = ($lon+180)/360 *2**$zoom;
my $ytile = (1 - log(tan(deg2rad($lat)) + sec(deg2rad($lat)))/pi)/2 *2**$zoom;
return ($xtile, $ytile);
=item latlon2xy($lat,$lon)
Given a (latitude, longitude) coordinate pair, returns the (x, y)
coordinate pair needed to plot onto the Imager object.
sub latlon2xy {
my ($self,$lat,$lon) = @_;
unless (exists $self->{img}) {
die "Not yet initialised.\n";
my ($x,$y)=$self->getTileNumber($lat,$lon);
return ($x,$y);
=item latlon2hash($lat,$lon)
Given a (latitude, longitude) coordinate pair, returns a list of the
form ('x', $x, 'y', $y) for use with many Imager plotting functions.
sub latlon2hash {
my ($self,$lat,$lon) = @_;
my ($x,$y)=$self->latlon2xy($lat,$lon);
return ('x',$x,'y',$y);
=item segment($lat1,$lon1,$lat2,$lon2,$step)
Given two (latitude, longitude) coordinate pairs and a step value,
returns an arrayref of (latitude, longitude) coordinate pairs
interpolating the route on a great circle. This is generally worth
doing when distances exceed around 100 miles or high precision is
A positive step value is the length of each segment in metres. A
negative step value is the number of divisions into which the overall
line should be split.
sub segment {
my ($self,$lat1,$lon1,$lat2,$lon2,$step)=@_;
my @out=[$lat1,$lon1];
my ($r,$b)=$self->{geo}->to($lat1,$lon1,$lat2,$lon2);
if ($step<0) {
my $ra=0;
while ($ra<$r) {
push @out,[$self->{geo}->at($lat1,$lon1,$ra,$b)];
push @out,[$lat2,$lon2];
return @out;
sub constrain {
my ($self,$angle,$range)=@_;
while ($angle>$range) {
while ($angle<-$range) {
return $angle;
Note that you need not draw directly onto the supplied object: you can
create a new transparent image using the width and height of the one
provided by the module, draw onto that, and copy the results with a
rubthrough or compose command. See L<Imager::Transformations> for
=head1 BUGS
Won't work to span +/- 180 degrees longitude.
=head1 LICENSE
Copyright (C) 2017 Roger Bell_West.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 AUTHOR
Roger Bell_West E<lt>roger@firedrake.orgE<gt>
=head1 SEE ALSO