Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::DBIC - Store your sessions via DBIx::Class


# Create a table in your database for sessions
CREATE TABLE sessions (
    id           CHAR(72) PRIMARY KEY,
    session_data TEXT,
    expires      INTEGER

# Create the corresponding table class
package MyApp::Schema::Session;

use base qw/DBIx::Class/;

__PACKAGE__->add_columns(qw/id session_data expires/);


# In your application
use Catalyst qw/Session Session::Store::DBIC Session::State::Cookie/;

    # ... other items ...
    'Plugin::Session' => {
        dbic_class => 'DBIC::Session',  # Assuming MyApp::Model::DBIC
        expires    => 3600,

# Later, in a controller action
$c->session->{foo} = 'bar';


This Catalyst::Plugin::Session storage module saves session data in your database via DBIx::Class. It's actually just a wrapper around Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::Delegate; if you need complete control over how your sessions are stored, you probably want to use that instead.



Hook into the configured session class.


Return the DBIx::Class class name to be passed to $c->model. Defaults to DBIC::Session.


Return the configured ID field name. Defaults to id.


Return the configured data field name. Defaults to session_data.


Return the configured expires field name. Defaults to expires.


Return the model used to find a session.


Load the row corresponding to the specified session ID. If none is found, one is automatically created.


Match the specified key and operation to the session ID and field name.


Delete the specified session from the backend store.


Delete all expired sessions.


The following parameters should be placed in your application configuration under the Plugin::Session key.


(Required) The name of the DBIx::Class that represents a session in the database. It is recommended that you provide only the part after MyApp::Model, e.g. DBIC::Session.

If you are using Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema, the following layout is recommended:

This module will then use $c->model to access the appropriate result source from the composed schema matching the dbic_class name.

For more information, please see Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema.


Number of seconds for which sessions are active.

Note that no automatic cleanup is done on your session data. To delete expired sessions, you can use the "delete_expired_sessions" method with Catalyst::Plugin::Scheduler.


The name of the field on your sessions table which stores the session ID. Defaults to id.


The name of the field on your sessions table which stores session data. Defaults to session_data for compatibility with Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::DBI.


The name of the field on your sessions table which stores the expiration time of the session. Defaults to expires.


Your sessions table should contain the following columns:

id           CHAR(72) PRIMARY KEY
session_data TEXT
expires      INTEGER

The id column should probably be 72 characters. It needs to handle the longest string that can be returned by "generate_session_id" in Catalyst::Plugin::Session, plus another eight characters for internal use. This is less than 72 characters when SHA-1 or MD5 is used, but SHA-256 will need all 72 characters.

The session_data column should be a long text field. Session data is encoded using MIME::Base64 before being stored in the database.

Note that MySQL TEXT fields only store 64 kB, so if your session data will exceed that size you'll want to use MEDIUMTEXT, MEDIUMBLOB, or larger. If you configure your DBIx::Class::ResultSource to include the size of the column, you will receive warnings for this problem:

This session requires 1180 bytes of storage, but your database
column 'session_data' can only store 200 bytes. Storing this
session may not be reliable; increase the size of your data field

See "add_columns" in DBIx::Class::ResultSource for more information.

The expires column stores the future expiration time of the session. This may be null for per-user and flash sessions.

Note that you can change the column names using the "id_field", "data_field", and "expires_field" configuration parameters. However, the column types must match the above.


Daniel Westermann-Clark <>



Copyright 2006-2008 Daniel Westermann-Clark, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.