Changes for version 5.80019 - 2010-01-29

  • Bug fixed:
    • Calls to $c->uri_for with private paths as strings (e.g. $c->uri_for('controller/action', 'arg1', 'arg2') ) no longer have / encoded to %2F. This is due to $c->uri_for('static', 'css/foo', $bar) which should not be encoded. Calls with an action object (rather than a string), or uri_for action will still encode / in args and captures to %2F
    • The above noted / => %2F encoding in uri_for_action or uri_for with an action object has been fixed to not just encode the first slash in any set of args/captures.
    • nginx and lighttpd FCGI requests with URI encoded sections as the first path part have been fixed to operate correctly.
    • A source of bogus warnings in Catalyst::Component::BUILDARGS has been removed.
  • Documentation:
    • Improve the documentation about -Home and how Catalyst finds the home path for applications.
    • Various minor typo fixes.
  • New features:
    • Allow passing additional arguments to action constructors.


Overview of changes between versions of Catalyst
Instructions for upgrading to the latest Catalyst
Bootstrap a Catalyst application


The Elegant MVC Web Application Framework
Catalyst Action
Chain of Catalyst Actions
Catalyst Action Container
Deprecated base class
Class data accessors
Catalyst Component Base Class
Moose Role for components which capture the application context.
Moose Role for components which need to close over the $ctx, without leaking
Catalyst Controller base class
DispatchType Base Class
Path Part DispatchType
Default DispatchType
Index DispatchType
Path DispatchType
Regex DispatchType
The Catalyst Dispatcher
The Catalyst Engine
The CGI Engine
FastCGI Engine
Catalyst HTTP Engine
Catalyst Exception Class
Basic Catalyst Exception Role
Exception for redispatching using $ctx->detach()
Exception for redispatching using $ctx->go()
Role defining the interface for Catalyst exceptions
Catalyst Log Class
Catalyst Model base class
provides information about the current client request
handles file upload requests
stores output responding to the current client request
The Catalyst Framework Runtime
The CGI Catalyst Script
Create a new Catalyst Component
The FastCGI Catalyst Script
Catalyst test server
Test Catalyst application on the command line
Common functionality for Catalyst scripts.
The Catalyst Framework script runner
Catalyst Timing Statistics Class
Test Catalyst Applications
The Catalyst Utils
Catalyst View base class


in lib/Catalyst/