Changes for version 0.09_04 - 2007-05-24
- Make comp_root guessing work when $c->config->{root} is not a Path::Class instance.
Changes for version 0.09_03 - 2007-05-21
- Test and implement setting additional mason globals.
Changes for version 0.09_02 - 2007-05-16
- Better test coverage
- Some minor cleanups.
- use warnings;
Changes for version 0.09_01 - 2007-05-15
- Fixed default content type.
- Use the component config.
- Add a render method.
- Use File::Spec to find the tmpdir.
- Use Module::Install instead of Module::Build.
- Allow to use $c->action instead of $c->req->match to find the template to use.
- Add a test suite.