Changes for version 0.72

  • o Clean up Makefile.PL and restore compatibility with recent ExtUtils::MakeMaker versions.

Changes for version 0.71_03

  • o Remove support for sfio which is an optional (and not enabled by default) compile option to perl that is never used. o Fix FCGI::Stream::READ() to warn() instead of croak() incase of wide characters which cannot be gracefully downgraded. o Fix warnings due to wide characters being mangled to note that accepting them is deprecated and will stop working at some point. o Various fixes to FCGI::Stream::READ() to improve handling of error and edge cases.
    • croak if called with invalid number of arguments
    • croak if length is negative
    • croak if offset is outside string
    • pad scalar if offset is greater than length
  • o Fix in FCGX_Finish_r to discard any remaining data in input stream which otherwise ends up in next request. This fixes multiple requests being broken if something goes wrong whilst reading the initial request. This discarding is done silently, as RFC 3875 says a script is not obliged to read any of the data. o Fixed indent style and braces to be consistent, swapped tabs for spaces in indenting.

Changes for version 0.71_02

  • o Change the Request function to pass FAIL_ON_INTR into the XS RequestX function. This prevents the fcgi C client code from looping around their accept() call. This change means that when using CGI::Fast, and the process recieves SIGTERM or SIGHUP, the error statusis correctly passed back up, allowing process managers (such as FCGI::ProcManager) to correctly handle cleanly exiting.

Changes for version 0.71_01

  • o Restore old behavior when un-downgradeable uft8 is sent to FCGI. The first time this happens, a warning will be issued, but subsequently the bytes will be sent through raw (causing double encoding etc). If the character string can be downgraded safely, then it will still be. use warnings FATAL => 'utf8'; can be used to make undowngradeable strings throw an exception. o Fix PRINT retval (Closes: RT#57697).


Fast CGI module

