MooseX::Declare - Declarative syntax for Moose
use MooseX::Declare;
class BankAccount {
has 'balance' => ( isa => 'Num', is => 'rw', default => 0 );
method deposit (Num $amount) {
$self->balance( $self->balance + $amount );
method withdraw (Num $amount) {
my $current_balance = $self->balance();
( $current_balance >= $amount )
|| confess "Account overdrawn";
$self->balance( $current_balance - $amount );
class CheckingAccount extends BankAccount {
has 'overdraft_account' => ( isa => 'BankAccount', is => 'rw' );
before withdraw (Num $amount) {
my $overdraft_amount = $amount - $self->balance();
if ( $self->overdraft_account && $overdraft_amount > 0 ) {
This module provides syntactic sugar for Moose, the postmodern object system for Perl 5. When used, it sets up the class
and role
class Foo { ... }
my $anon_class = class { ... };
Declares a new class. The class can be either named or anonymous, depending on whether or not a classname is given. Within the class definition Moose and MooseX::Method::Signatures are set up automatically in addition to the other keywords described in this document. At the end of the definition the class will be made immutable.
It's possible to specify options for classes:
- extends
class Foo extends Bar { ... }
Sets a superclass for the class being declared.
- with
class Foo with Role { ... }
Applies a role to the class being declared.
- is mutable
class Foo is mutable { ... }
Causes the class not to be made immutable after its definition.
role Foo { ... }
my $anon_role = role { ... };
Declares a new role. The role can be either named or anonymous, depending on wheter or not a name is given. Within the role definition Moose::Role and MooseX::Method::Signatures are set up automatically in addition to the other keywords described in this document.
It's possible to specify options for roles:
- with
role Foo with Bar { ... }
Applies a role to the role being declared.
before / after / around / override / augment
before foo ($x, $y, $z) { ... }
after bar ($x, $y, $z) { ... }
around baz ($x, $y, $z) { ... }
override moo ($x, $y, $z) { ... }
augment kuh ($x, $y, $z) { ... }
Add a method modifier. Those work like documented in Moose, except for the slightly nicer syntax and the method signatures, which work like documented in MooseX::Method::Signatures.
For the around
modifier an additional argument called $orig
is automatically set up as the invocant for the method.
Florian Ragwitz <>
Copyright (c) 2008 Florian Ragwitz
Licensed under the same terms as perl itself.