Changes for version 0.17 - 2009-08-13

  • Implement method traits (Cory Watson).
  • Properly test list placeholders.
  • Document the right syntax for return value type constraints.
  • Use namespace::autoclean instead of namespace::clean.
  • Let the signature default to (@) if none is given.
  • Don't require the package attribute when a pre-built context is passed in.
  • Depend on a recent Parse::Method::Signatures to make sure we will work with new PPIs and have the right MooseX::Traits version.
  • Fix doc typo (arcanez).
  • Split out context from self so that we may pass in an arbitrary context (nperez).
  • Enable passing a context and also a coderef to use to apply the method once constructed (for deferred method modifier application in MXD) (nperez).
  • Enable MXMS to work with multiple different declarators and prototype injections (nperez).
  • Change from using Devel::Declare::MethodInstaller::Simple to ::Context::Simple since strip_attrs was moved down there (nperez).


Method declarations with type constraints and no source filter


in lib/MooseX/Method/Signatures/Meta/
in lib/MooseX/Method/Signatures/