Froody::Response::Content - common subclass for perl data structure classes
package Froody::Response::Subclass;
use base qw(Froody::Response::Content);
This is a common subclass used by PerlDS and Terse. Unless you're considering patching this file, I wouldn't look at it if I were you. All these methods are documented again properly in those classes documentation.
Note, there's a _to_xml
method that isn't implemented here and has to be implemented by our subclasses
- status
Get/set the status. you can only set this to be "ok" or "fail" or it'll throw a Froody::Error of "perl.methodcall.param"
- content
Get/set the content. When you set the content it is cloned, but the actual data structure is returned when you get - so you can alter it directly. This is considered a feature.
- raw_render
A routine used by the renderer. No user servicable parts
- as_xml
We proxy to the _to_xml method rather than replying on bytification and back again.
None known.
Please report any bugs you find via the CPAN RT system.
Copyright Fotango 2005. All rights reserved.
Please see the main Froody documentation for details of who has worked on this project.
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Froody, Froody::Response, Froody::Response::Terse, Froody::Response::PerlDS