Games::WoW::Armory - Access to the WoW Armory


use Games::WoW::Armory;

my $armory = Games::WoW::Armory->new();
$armory->search_character( { realm     => 'Elune',
                             character => 'Aarnn',
                             country   => 'EU } );
print $armory->character->name;
print $armory->character->race;
print $armory->character->level;



Fetch the data, and store the result in $self->{data}


Search a character. Required params:

realm | character | country
realm : name of the realm
character : name of a character
country : name of the country (EU|US)

List of accessor for character:

name: character name guildName: guild name arenaTeams: list of teams the character is in. Each team in the array is a Games::WoW::Armory::Team object

foreach my $team (@{$armory->character->arenaTeams}){
    print $team->name;
    foreach my $char (@{$team}){
        print $char->name . " " . $char->race;

battleGroup: the battlegroup name realm: realm name race: race name gender: gender of the character faction: faction the character belongs to level: level of the character lastModified: title: highest rank in the old PVP mode class: class name rank: rank teamRank: rank in the team seasonGamesPlayed: number of games played in the current season seasonGamesWon: number of games win in the current season heroic_access: list of heroic access for the character

foreach my $key ( @{ $armory->character->heroic_access } ) {
    print "Have access to the $key.\n";

characterinfo: a hash with lot of informations about the character skill: a hash with all the skill reputation reputation: a hash with all the character reputation


Search for a guild. required params :

realm | guild | country
realm : name of the realm
guild : name of the guild
country : name of the country (EU|US)

List of accessor for guild:

realm: name of the realm name: name of the guild battleGroup: name of the battleGroup members: array with all the member. Each member is a Games::WoW::Armory::Character object.

foreach my $member (@{$armory->guild->members}){
    print $member->name;


Search for a team. required params :

team | ts | battlegroup | country
battlegroup : name of the battlegroup
ts : type (2vs2 | 3vs3 | 5vs5) juste the number (eg: ts => 5)
team : name of the team
country : name of the country (EU|US)

List of accessor for team:

seasonGamesPlayed: number of games played this season rating: size: number of members in the team battleGroup: name of the battlegroup realm: name of the realm lastSeasonRanking: ranking in the last season factionId: faction ID, 0 for alliance, 1 for Horde ranking: name: name of the team relevance: seasonGamesWon: number of games won members: team members in an array, all the members are a Games::WoW::Armory::Character object

foreach my $member (@{$armory->team->members}){
    print $member->name;


Store in $self->character->heroic_access the list of keys the user can buy for the instances in heroic mode.


Please report any bugs or feature requests to, or through the web interface at


franck cuny <>


Copyright (c) 2007, franck cuny <>. All rights reserved.

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perlartistic.