Games::WoW::Armory - Access to the WoW Armory
use Games::WoW::Armory;
my $armory = Games::WoW::Armory->new();
$armory->search_character( { realm => 'Elune',
character => 'Aarnn',
country => 'EU } );
print $armory->character->name;
print $armory->character->race;
print $armory->character->level;
Fetch the data, and store the result in $self->{data}
Search a character. Required params:
realm | character | country
realm : name of the realm
character : name of a character
country : name of the country (EU|US)
List of accessor for character:
name: character name
guildName: guild name
arenaTeams: list of teams the character is in. Each team in the array is a Games::WoW::Armory::Team object
foreach my $team (@{$armory->character->arenaTeams}){ print $team->name; foreach my $char (@{$team}){ print $char->name . " " . $char->race; } }
battleGroup: the battlegroup name
realm: realm name
race: race name
gender: gender of the character
faction: faction the character belongs to
level: level of the character
title: highest rank in the old PVP mode
class: class name
rank: rank
teamRank: rank in the team
seasonGamesPlayed: number of games played in the current season
seasonGamesWon: number of games win in the current season
heroic_access: list of heroic access for the character
foreach my $key ( @{ $armory->character->heroic_access } ) { print "Have access to the $key.\n"; }
characterinfo: a hash with lot of informations about the character
skill: a hash with all the skill reputation
reputation: a hash with all the character reputation
Search for a guild. required params :
realm | guild | country
realm : name of the realm
guild : name of the guild
country : name of the country (EU|US)
List of accessor for guild:
realm: name of the realm
name: name of the guild
battleGroup: name of the battleGroup
members: array with all the member. Each member is a Games::WoW::Armory::Character object.
foreach my $member (@{$armory->guild->members}){
print $member->name;
Search for a team. required params :
team | ts | battlegroup | country
battlegroup : name of the battlegroup
ts : type (2vs2 | 3vs3 | 5vs5) juste the number (eg: ts => 5)
team : name of the team
country : name of the country (EU|US)
List of accessor for team:
seasonGamesPlayed: number of games played this season
size: number of members in the team
battleGroup: name of the battlegroup
realm: name of the realm
lastSeasonRanking: ranking in the last season
factionId: faction ID, 0 for alliance, 1 for Horde
name: name of the team
seasonGamesWon: number of games won
members: team members in an array, all the members are a Games::WoW::Armory::Character object
foreach my $member (@{$armory->team->members}){
print $member->name;
Store in $self->character->heroic_access the list of keys the user can buy for the instances in heroic mode.
Please report any bugs or feature requests to
, or through the web interface at
franck cuny <>
Copyright (c) 2007, franck cuny <>
. All rights reserved.
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perlartistic.