# PODNAME: koha-dump-biblio
# ABSTRACT: Dump a Koha Catalog
my $verbose = 0;
my $help = 0;
my $formater = 'iso2709';
my @branches;
my $query = '';
'verbose|v' => \$verbose,
'branch|b=s' => \@branches,
'query|q=s' => \$query,
'formater|f=s' => \$formater,
'help|h' => \$help,
sub usage {
pod2usage( -verbose => 2 );
usage() if $help;
my $file = $ARGV[0] // 'dump.mrc';
my $dumper = Koha::Contrib::Tamil::Biblio::Dumper->new(
verbose => $verbose,
file => $file,
branches => \@branches,
query => $query,
formater => $formater,
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
koha-dump-biblio - Dump a Koha Catalog
=head1 VERSION
version 0.037
With this script you can export a Koha Catalog in whole or in part. Without
parameter, the whole catalog is exported in an ISO2709 file named dump.mrc.
Playing with parameters, you can:
=item *
Specify the name of the file containing the exported records.
=item *
Specifiy the format of the file: ISO2709 or MARCXML.
=item *
Select the exported biblio records and items, based on branch names, and/or a
SQL query. For example, you can export all the biblio records from a specific
library that have been added the last week, with an item call number beginning
with a specific letter.
=head1 NAME
koha-dump-biblio - Dump a Koha Catalog
koha-dump-biblio --branch MAIN
koha-dump-biblio --branch MAIN --branch EAST catalog.mrc
koha-dump-biblio --branch MAIN --formater marcxml catalog.xml
koha-dump-biblio --branch MAIN --query "SELECT biblionumber FROM items WHERE barcode LIKE 'X%' --formater marcxml catalog.xml
=item B<-formater=iso2709|marcxml|text|yaml|json>
Specify the format of the file containing the exported records. You can choose
between ISO2709 format and MARCXML, but also textual formts. By default
=item B<-branch>
Select the library of the items to be included to the exported biblio records.
You can select several libraries by repeating this parameter. For example:
B<-branch MAIN -branch EAST>. If the B<-query> parameter isn't used, the
B<-branch> parameter select also the biblio records. In other words, biblio
records without items belonging the the specifed libraries won't be exported.
=item B<-query>
This parameter contains an SQL query which select the biblio records to export
with their biblionumber.
For example:
=item Select two records, biblionumber 10 and 100:
-query "SELECT 10 AS biblionumber UNION ALL SELECT 11 AS biblionumber"
=item Select records containing items which barcode start with a X:
-query "SELECT biblionumber FROM items WHERE barcode LIKE 'X%'"
=item B<--verbose|-v>
Display a progress status of the export process.
=item B<--help|-h>
Print this help page.
Copyright 2013 by Tamil, s.a.r.l.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl 5 itself.
=head1 AUTHOR
Frédéric Demians <f.demians@tamil.fr>
This software is Copyright (c) 2015 by Fréderic Démians.
This is free software, licensed under:
The GNU General Public License, Version 3, June 2007