# ABSTRACT: Processor to lint a biblio records file
$MARC::Moose::Lint::Processor::VERSION = '1.0.21';
use Moose;
has lint => (is => 'rw', isa => 'MARC::Moose::Lint::Checker');
has file => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Str',
trigger => sub {
my ($self, $file) = @_;
$self->reader( MARC::Moose::Reader::File::Iso2709->new(
file => $file,
parser => MARC::Moose::Parser::Iso2709->new( lint => $self->lint ) ) );
$self->writer_ok( MARC::Moose::Writer->new(
formater => MARC::Moose::Formater::Iso2709->new(),
fh => IO::File->new("$file.ok", ">:encoding(utf8)")
) );
$self->writer_bad( MARC::Moose::Writer->new(
formater => MARC::Moose::Formater::Iso2709->new(),
fh => IO::File->new("$file.bad", ">:encoding(utf8)")
) );
$self->fh_log( IO::File->new("$file.log", ">:encoding(utf8)") );
has cleaner => (is => 'rw', isa => 'MARC::Moose::Formater');
has reader => (is => 'rw', isa => 'MARC::Moose::Reader' );
has writer_ok => (is => 'rw', isa => 'MARC::Moose::Writer' );
has writer_bad => (is => 'rw', isa => 'MARC::Moose::Writer' );
has fh_log => (is => 'rw', isa => 'IO::File');
has count_ok => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Int', default => 0);
has count_bad => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Int', default => 0);
sub process {
my $self = shift;
my $record = $self->reader->read();
return unless $record;
$record = $self->cleaner->format($record) if $self->cleaner;
if ( my @result = $record->check() ) {
my $rectext = $record->as('Text');
chop $rectext;
my $fh = $self->fh_log;
print $fh $rectext, '-' x 80, "\n", join("\n", @result), "\n\n";
$self->count_bad( $self->count_bad + 1 );
else {
$self->count_ok( $self->count_ok + 1 );
sub start_message {
say "Start linting biblio records";
sub process_message {
my $self = shift;
say $self->count, " - OK ", $self->count_ok, " - BAD ", $self->count_bad;
sub end_message {
my $self = shift;
my $file = $self->file;
say "Processed records: ", $self->count, "\n",
"Valid records: ", $self->count_ok, "\n",
"Invalid records: ", $self->count_bad, "\n",
"Lint result files: $file.ok, $file.bad, $file.log", ;
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
MARC::Moose::Lint::Processor - Processor to lint a biblio records file
=head1 VERSION
version 1.0.21
=head2 linter
A L<MARC::Moose::Lint::Checker> to be used to validate biblio record.
=head2 file
The name of an ISO2709 file containing biblio records to control. When the
processor object is created with this attribute, other attributes are
automatically constructed: C<reader> as L<MARC::Moose::Reader::File::Iso2709>
object reading the file, C<writer_ok> and C<writer_bad> as
L<MARC::Moose::Writer> object with an ISO2709 formater writing to files named
F<file.ok> and F<file.bad>, and C<fh_log> as a L<IO::File>, writing a text file
named F<file.log>.
=head2 cleaner
A L<MARC::Moose::Formater> which transform a L<MARC::Moose::Record> into
another L<MARC::Moose::Record>. Using a cleaner, it's possible to clean biblio
records before validating them.
=head2 reader
A L<MARC::Moose::Reader> object from which biblio records are read.
=head2 writer_ok
A L<MARC::Moose::Writer> object in which valid biblio records are written.
=head2 writer_bad
A L<MARC::Moose::Writer> object in which invalid biblio records are written.
=head2 writer_bad
A L<IO::File> file handle which is used to write invalid biblio records with
generated warnings.
package PeterCleaner;
use Moose;
extends 'MARC::Moose::Formater';
override 'format' => sub {
my ($self, $record) = @_;
for my $field (@{$record->fields}) {
# clean content
return $record;
package Main;
my $processor = MARC::Moose::Lint::Processor->new(
lint => MARC::Moose::Lint::Checker::RulesFile->new( file => 'unimarc.rules',
file => 'biblio.mrc',
cleaner => PeterCleaner->new(),
verbose => 1,
The above script validates an ISO2709 file named F<biblio.mrc> on a rules file
named F<unimarc.rules>. As a result, 3 files are created: (1)
F<biblio.mrc.ok>, an ISO2709 containing biblio records complying to the rules,
(2) F<biblio.mrc.bad> containing biblios violating the rules, and (3)
F<biblio.mrc.log> containing a textual representation of biblio records
violating the rules + a description of violated rules.
A more specific construction is also possible:
my $lint => MARC::Moose::Lint::Checker::RulesFile->new( file => 'marc21.rules' );
my $processor = MARC::Moose::Lint::Processor->new(
reader => MARC::Moose::Reader::File::Marcxml->new(
file => 'biblio.xml',
parser => MARC::Moose::Parser::Marcxml->new( lint => $lint ),
writer_ok => MARC::Moose::Writer->new(
formater => MARC::Moose::Formater::Marcxml->new(),
fh => IO::File->new('ok.xml', '>:encoding(utf8')
writer_bad => MARC::Moose::Writer->new(
formater => MARC::Moose::Formater::Marcxml->new(),
fh => IO::File->new('bad.xml', '>:encoding(utf8'))
fh_log => IO::File->new('warnings.log', '>:encoding(utf8')),
verbose => 1,
=head1 SEE ALSO
=over 4
=item *
=item *
=item *
=head1 AUTHOR
Frédéric Demians <f.demians@tamil.fr>
This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Frédéric Demians.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.