Math::Random::ISAAC::XS - C implementation of the ISAAC PRNG Algorithm
Version 1.001 ($Id: 8617 2009-08-18 03:46:38Z $)
This module implements the same interface as Math::Random::ISAAC
and can be used as a drop-in replacement. This is the recommended implementation of the module, based on Bob Jenkins' reference implementation in C.
Selecting the backend to use manually really only has two uses:
If you are trying to avoid the small overhead incurred with dispatching method calls to the appropriate backend modules.
If you are testing the module for performance and wish to explicitly decide which module you would like to use.
Example code:
# With Math::Random::ISAAC
my $rng = Math::Random::ISAAC->new(time);
my $rand = $rng->rand();
# With Math::Random::ISAAC::XS
my $rng = Math::Random::ISAAC::XS->new(time);
my $rand = $rng->rand();
See Math::Random::ISAAC for the full description.
Math::Random::ISAAC::XS->new( @seeds )
Implements the interface as specified in Math::Random::ISAAC
Implements the interface as specified in Math::Random::ISAAC
Implements the interface as specified in Math::Random::ISAAC
Jonathan Yu <>
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Math::Random::ISAAC::XS
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