Catalyst::ActionRole::PseudoCache - Super simple caching for Catalyst actions
version 1.000000
package MyApp::Controller::Root;
use Moose;
BEGIN { extends 'Catalyst::Controller::ActionRole' };
# used with Catalyst::Plugin::Cache
sub cache_js :Local Does(PseudoCache) PCTrueCache(1) {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
# Long running action to be cached
# used with Catalyst::Plugin::Cache and the optional key attr
sub cache_with_key :Local Does(PseudoCache) PCTrueCache(1) PCKey('rememberme'){
my ($self, $c) = @_;
# Long running action to be cached
This module was originally made to take the output of Catalyst::View::JavaScript::Minifier::XS and store it in a file so that after the server booted we would not need to generate it again and could let the static web server serve up the static file. Obviously it can be used for much more than javascript, but it's mostly made with large, purely javascript sites in mind. It does not cache the output of the action when the server is run in development mode.
Setting PCTrueCache will use Catalyst::Plugin::Cache and allow a real cache backend to do the work. After version 2 of this module this will no longer need to be set and the old mode of this plugin will be removed entirely.
PCKey is an optional way of providing a different key for the cache backend. The default key is Controller::Name/action
The two attributes below are DEPRECATED and provided for back compat only. They might disappear in the future. Using PCTrueCache
and Catalyst::Plugin::Cache is highly recommended.
Required when not using "PCTrueCache".
After the action runs once it will redirect to $PCUrl
When the action gets run the first time it will write it's output to $PCPath
Defaults to $c->path_to('root') . $PCUrl
So using the example given above for the all_js
action, the path will be
Arthur Axel "fREW" Schmidt <>
This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Arthur Axel "fREW" Schmidt.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.