Changes for version 0.08205 - 2013-01-22
- New Features / Changes
- The emulate_limit() arbitrary limit dialect emulation mechanism is now deprecated, and will be removed when DBIx::Class migrates to Data::Query
- Support for the source_bind_attributes() storage method has been removed after a lengthy deprecation cycle
- Fixes
- When performing resultset update/delete only strip condition qualifiers - leave the source name alone (RT#80015, RT#78844)
- Fix incorrect behavior on resultset update/delete invoked on composite resultsets (e.g. as_subselect_rs)
- Fix update/delete operations referencing the updated table failing on MySQL, due to its refusal to modify a table being directly queried. As a workaround induce in-memory temp-table creation (RT#81378, RT#81897)
- More robust behavior under heavily threaded environments - make sure we do not have refaddr reuse in the global storage registry
- Fix failing test on 5.8 under Win32 (RT#81114)
- Fix hash-randomization test issues (RT#81638)
- Disallow erroneous calling of connect_info on a replicated storage (RT#78436)
- Misc
- Improve the populate docs in ::Schema and ::ResultSet
- ::Storage::DBI::source_bind_attributes() removed as announced on Jan 2011 in 0e773352a
Index of the Manual
Developing DBIx::Class Components
Miscellaneous recipes
What documentation do we have?
Simple CD database example
Frequently Asked Questions (in theory)
A boatload of DBIx::Class features with links to respective documentation
Clarification of terms used.
Introduction to DBIx::Class
Manual on joining tables with DBIx::Class
How to read and write DBIx::Class POD.
Representing a single result (row) from a DB query
Got a problem? Shoot it.
Minimum Need to Know
utility for administrating DBIx::Class schemata
Extensible and flexible object <-> relational mapper.
See Class::Accessor::Grouped
Administration object for schemas
Class::DBI Compatibility layer.
Provides advanced Carp::Clan-like warning functions for DBIx::Class internals
Core set of DBIx::Class modules
Abstract object representing a query cursor on a resultset.
(DEPRECATED) classdata schema component
Exception objects for DBIx::Class
Automatically convert column data
Automatically create references from column data
Auto-create DateTime objects from date and datetime columns.
DEPRECATED (superseded by DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::FS)
Optional module dependency specifications (for module authors)
Modify the position of objects in an ordered list.
Primary Key class
Automatic primary key class
Inter-table relationships
Inter-table relationships
Get raw hashrefs from a resultset
Represents a query used for fetching a set of results.
helpful methods for messing with a single column of the resultset
scheduled for deletion in 09000
Result source object
Table object
ResultSource object representing a view
Serializable pointers to ResultSource instances
provides a classdata table object and method proxies
Basic row methods
An SQL::Abstract-based SQL maker class
SQL::Abstract::Limit-like functionality for DBIx::Class::SQLMaker
Pre-ANSI Joins-via-Where-Clause Syntax
composable schemas
DBIx::Class::Schema plugin for Schema upgrades
hooks for Storable nfreeze/thaw
Run environment checks on startup
Generic Storage Handler
Try running a block of code until success with a configurable retry logic
DBI storage handler
Support specific to MS Access
Support for DBD::ADO
Support for MS Access over ADO
GUID Support for MS Access over ADO
Support for Microsoft SQL Server via DBD::ADO
Remove trailing NULLs in binary data and normalize GUIDs for MSSQL over ADO
Storage component for RDBMS requiring explicit placeholder typing
Object representing a query cursor on a resultset.
IBM DB2 support for DBIx::Class
Driver for the Firebird RDBMS via DBD::Firebird
Driver Base Class for the Firebird RDBMS
Storage Component for Sybase ASE and MSSQL for Identity Inserts / Updates
Base Storage Class for Informix Support
Driver for the Firebird RDBMS via DBD::InterBase
Base Class for Microsoft SQL Server support in DBIx::Class
Sometime DBDs have poor to no support for bind variables
Base class for ODBC drivers
Support specific to MS Access over ODBC
Support specific to DB2/400 over ODBC
Driver for using the Firebird RDBMS through ODBC
Support specific to Microsoft SQL Server over ODBC
Driver for using Sybase SQL Anywhere through ODBC
Base class for Oracle driver
Oracle Support for DBIx::Class
Oracle joins in WHERE syntax support (instead of ANSI).
Automatic primary key class for PostgreSQL
BETA Replicated database support
A Software Load Balancer
Just get the First Balancer
A 'random' Balancer
Manage a pool of replicants
A replicated DBI Storage Role
A DBI Storage Role with DSN information in trace output
Driver for SQL Anywhere
GUID Support for SQL Anywhere over DBD::SQLAnywhere
Automatic primary key class for SQLite
Base class for drivers using DBD::Sybase
Sybase ASE SQL Server support for DBIx::Class
Storage::DBI subclass for Sybase ASE without placeholder support
Base class for drivers using DBD::Sybase over FreeTDS.
(DEPRECATED) Legacy storage class for MSSQL via DBD::Sybase
Support for Microsoft SQL Server via DBD::Sybase
Support for Microsoft SQL Server via DBD::Sybase without placeholders
Storage component for RDBMSes supporting GUID types
Storage::DBI class implementing MySQL specifics
SQL Statistics
Scope-based transaction handling
Force UTF8 (Unicode) flag on columns (DEPRECATED)
Create a SQL::Translator schema from a DBIx::Class::Schema instance
DBIx::Class file producer
- examples/Benchmarks/
- examples/Benchmarks/
- examples/MiscTools/
- examples/Schema/MyDatabase/
- examples/Schema/MyDatabase/Main/Result/
- examples/Schema/MyDatabase/Main/Result/
- examples/Schema/MyDatabase/Main/Result/
- examples/Schema/db/example.sql
- examples/Schema/
- examples/Schema/