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=head1 NAME
SQL::Translator::Producer::GraphViz - GraphViz producer for SQL::Translator
use SQL::Translator;
my $trans = SQL::Translator->new(
from => 'MySQL', # or your db of choice
to => 'GraphViz',
producer_args => {
out_file => 'schema.png',
bgcolor => 'lightgoldenrodyellow',
show_constraints => 1,
show_datatypes => 1,
show_sizes => 1
) or die SQL::Translator->error;
$trans->translate or die $trans->error;
Creates a graph of a schema using the amazing graphviz
(see application (via
the L<GraphViz> module). It's nifty--you should try it!
All L<GraphViz> constructor attributes are accepted and passed
through to L<GraphViz/new>. The following defaults are assumed
for some attributes:
layout => 'dot',
overlap => 'false',
node => {
shape => 'record',
style => 'filled',
fillcolor => 'white',
# in inches
width => 8.5,
height => 11,
See the documentation of L<GraphViz/new> for more info on these
and other attributes.
In addition this producer accepts the following arguments:
=over 4
=item * skip_tables
An arrayref or a comma-separated list of table names that should be
skipped. Note that a skipped table node may still appear if another
table has foreign key constraints pointing to the skipped table. If
this happens no table field/index information will be included.
=item * skip_tables_like
An arrayref or a comma-separated list of regular expressions matching
table names that should be skipped.
=item * cluster
Clustering of tables allows you to group and box tables according to
function or domain or whatever criteria you choose. The syntax for
clustering tables is:
cluster => 'cluster1=table1,table2;cluster2=table3,table4'
Or pass it as an arrayref like so:
cluster => [ 'cluster1=table1,table2', 'cluster2=table3,table4' ]
Or like so:
cluster => [
{ name => 'cluster1', tables => [ 'table1', 'table2' ] },
{ name => 'cluster2', tables => [ 'table3', 'table4' ] },
=item * out_file
The name of the file where the resulting GraphViz output will be
written. Alternatively an open filehandle can be supplied. If
undefined (the default) - the result is returned as a string.
=item * output_type (DEFAULT: 'png')
This determines which
L<output method|GraphViz/as_canon,_as_text,_as_gif_etc._methods>
will be invoked to generate the graph: C<png> translates to
C<as_png>, C<ps> to C<as_ps> and so on.
=item * fontname
This sets the global font name (or full path to font file) for
node, edge, and graph labels
=item * fontsize
This sets the global font size for node and edge labels (note that
arbitrarily large sizes may be ignored due to page size or graph size
=item * show_fields (DEFAULT: true)
If set to a true value, the names of the colums in a table will
be displayed in each table's node
=item * show_fk_only
If set to a true value, only columns which are foreign keys
will be displayed in each table's node
=item * show_datatypes
If set to a true value, the datatype of each column will be
displayed next to each column's name; this option will have no
effect if the value of C<show_fields> is set to false
=item * friendly_ints
If set to a true value, each integer type field will be displayed
as a tinyint, smallint, integer or bigint depending on the field's
associated size parameter. This only applies for the C<integer>
type (and not the C<int> type, which is always assumed to be a
32-bit integer); this option will have no effect if the value of
C<show_fields> is set to false
=item * friendly_ints_extended
If set to a true value, the friendly ints displayed will take into
account the non-standard types, 'tinyint' and 'mediumint' (which,
as far as I am aware, is only implemented in MySQL)
=item * show_sizes
If set to a true value, the size (in bytes) of each CHAR and
VARCHAR column will be displayed in parentheses next to the
column's name; this option will have no effect if the value of
C<show_fields> is set to false
=item * show_constraints
If set to a true value, a field's constraints (i.e., its
primary-key-ness, its foreign-key-ness and/or its uniqueness)
will appear as a comma-separated list in brackets next to the
field's name; this option will have no effect if the value of
C<show_fields> is set to false
=item * show_indexes
If set to a true value, each record will also show the indexes
set on each table. It describes the index types along with
which columns are included in the index.
=item * show_index_names (DEFAULT: true)
If C<show_indexes> is set to a true value, then the value of this
parameter determines whether or not to print names of indexes.
if C<show_index_names> is false, then a list of indexed columns
will appear below the field list. Otherwise, it will be a list
prefixed with the name of each index.
=item * natural_join
If set to a true value, L<SQL::Translator::Schema/make_natural_joins>
will be called before generating the graph.
=item * join_pk_only
The value of this option will be passed as the value of the
like-named argument to L<SQL::Translator::Schema/make_natural_joins>;
implies C<< natural_join => 1 >>
=item * skip_fields
The value of this option will be passed as the value of the
like-named argument to L<SQL::Translator::Schema/make_natural_joins>;
implies C<< natural_join => 1 >>
=over 4
=item * node_shape
Deprecated, use node => { shape => ... } instead
=item * add_color
Deprecated, use bgcolor => 'lightgoldenrodyellow' instead
If set to a true value, the graphic will have a background
color of 'lightgoldenrodyellow'; otherwise the default
white background will be used
=item * nodeattrs
Deprecated, use node => { ... } instead
=item * edgeattrs
Deprecated, use edge => { ... } instead
=item * graphattrs
Deprecated, use graph => { ... } instead
use strict;
use SQL::Translator::Utils qw(debug);
use Scalar::Util qw/openhandle/;
our $DEBUG;
our $VERSION = '1.59';
$DEBUG = 0 unless defined $DEBUG;
sub produce {
my $t = shift;
my $schema = $t->schema;
my $args = $t->producer_args;
local $DEBUG = $t->debug;
# translate legacy {node|edge|graph}attrs to just {node|edge|graph}
for my $argtype (qw/node edge graph/) {
my $old_arg = $argtype . 'attrs';
my %arglist = (map
{ %{ $_ || {} } }
( delete $args->{$old_arg}, delete $args->{$argtype} )
$args->{$argtype} = \%arglist if keys %arglist;
# explode font settings
for (qw/fontsize fontname/) {
if (defined $args->{$_}) {
$args->{node}{$_} ||= $args->{$_};
$args->{edge}{$_} ||= $args->{$_};
$args->{graph}{$_} ||= $args->{$_};
# legacy add_color setting, trumped by bgcolor if set
$args->{bgcolor} ||= 'lightgoldenrodyellow' if $args->{add_color};
# legacy node_shape setting, defaults to 'record', trumped by {node}{shape}
$args->{node}{shape} ||= ( $args->{node_shape} || 'record' );
# maintain defaults
$args->{layout} ||= 'dot';
$args->{output_type} ||= 'png';
$args->{overlap} ||= 'false';
$args->{node}{style} ||= 'filled';
$args->{node}{fillcolor} ||= 'white';
$args->{show_fields} = 1 if not exists $args->{show_fields};
$args->{show_index_names} = 1 if not exists $args->{show_index_names};
$args->{width} = 8.5 if not defined $args->{width};
$args->{height} = 11 if not defined $args->{height};
for ( $args->{height}, $args->{width} ) {
$_ = 0 unless $_ =~ /^\d+(?:.\d+)?$/;
$_ = 0 if $_ < 0;
# so split won't warn
$args->{$_} ||= '' for qw/skip_fields skip_tables skip_tables_like cluster/;
my %skip_fields = map { s/^\s+|\s+$//g; length $_ ? ($_, 1) : () }
split ( /,/, $args->{skip_fields} );
my %skip_tables = map { $_, 1 } (
ref $args->{skip_tables} eq 'ARRAY'
? @{$args->{skip_tables}}
: split (/\s*,\s*/, $args->{skip_tables})
my @skip_tables_like = map { qr/$_/ } (
ref $args->{skip_tables_like} eq 'ARRAY'
? @{$args->{skip_tables_like}}
: split (/\s*,\s*/, $args->{skip_tables_like})
# join_pk_only/skip_fields implies natural_join
$args->{natural_join} = 1
if ($args->{join_pk_only} or scalar keys %skip_fields);
# usually we do not want direction when using natural join
$args->{directed} = ($args->{natural_join} ? 0 : 1)
if not exists $args->{directed};
join_pk_only => $args->{join_pk_only},
skip_fields => $args->{skip_fields},
) if $args->{natural_join};
my %cluster;
if ( defined $args->{'cluster'} ) {
my @clusters;
if ( ref $args->{'cluster'} eq 'ARRAY' ) {
@clusters = @{ $args->{'cluster'} };
else {
@clusters = split /\s*;\s*/, $args->{'cluster'};
for my $c ( @clusters ) {
my ( $cluster_name, @cluster_tables );
if ( ref $c eq 'HASH' ) {
$cluster_name = $c->{'name'} || $c->{'cluster_name'};
@cluster_tables = @{ $c->{'tables'} || [] };
else {
my ( $name, $tables ) = split /\s*=\s*/, $c;
$cluster_name = $name;
@cluster_tables = split /\s*,\s*/, $tables;
for my $table ( @cluster_tables ) {
$cluster{ $table } = $cluster_name;
# Create a blank GraphViz object and see if we can produce the output type.
my $gv = GraphViz->new( %$args )
or die sprintf ("Can't create GraphViz object: %s\n",
$@ || 'reason unknown'
my $output_method = "as_$args->{output_type}";
# the generators are AUTOLOADed so can't use ->can ($output_method)
eval { $gv->$output_method };
die "Invalid output type: '$args->{output_type}'" if $@;
# Process tables definitions, create nodes
my %nj_registry; # for locations of fields for natural joins
my @fk_registry; # for locations of fields for foreign keys
for my $table ( $schema->get_tables ) {
my $table_name = $table->name;
if ( @skip_tables_like or keys %skip_tables ) {
next TABLE if $skip_tables{ $table_name };
for my $regex ( @skip_tables_like ) {
next TABLE if $table_name =~ $regex;
my @fields = $table->get_fields;
if ( $args->{show_fk_only} ) {
@fields = grep { $_->is_foreign_key } @fields;
my $field_str = '';
if ($args->{show_fields}) {
my @fmt_fields;
for my $field (@fields) {
my $field_info;
if ($args->{show_datatypes}) {
my $field_type = $field->data_type;
my $size = $field->size;
if ( $args->{friendly_ints} && $size && (lc ($field_type) eq 'integer') ) {
# Automatically translate to int2, int4, int8
# Type (Bits) Max. Signed/Unsigned Length
# tinyint* (8) 128 3
# 255 3
# smallint (16) 32767 5
# 65535 5
# mediumint* (24) 8388607 7
# 16777215 8
# int (32) 2147483647 10
# 4294967295 11
# bigint (64) 9223372036854775807 19
# 18446744073709551615 20
# * tinyint and mediumint are nonstandard extensions which are
# only available under MySQL (to my knowledge)
if ($size <= 3 and $args->{friendly_ints_extended}) {
$field_type = 'tinyint';
elsif ($size <= 5) {
$field_type = 'smallint';
elsif ($size <= 8 and $args->{friendly_ints_extended}) {
$field_type = 'mediumint';
elsif ($size <= 11) {
$field_type = 'integer';
else {
$field_type = 'bigint';
$field_info = $field_type;
if ($args->{show_sizes} && $size && ($field_type =~ /^ (?: NUMERIC | DECIMAL | (VAR)?CHAR2? ) $/ix ) ) {
$field_info .= '(' . $size . ')';
my $constraints;
if ($args->{show_constraints}) {
my @constraints;
push(@constraints, $field->is_auto_increment ? 'PA' : 'PK') if $field->is_primary_key;
push(@constraints, 'FK') if $field->is_foreign_key;
push(@constraints, 'U') if $field->is_unique;
push(@constraints, 'N') if $field->is_nullable;
$constraints = join (',', @constraints);
# construct the field line from all info gathered so far
push @fmt_fields, join (' ',
$field_info || (),
$constraints ? "[$constraints]" : (),
# join field lines with graphviz formatting
$field_str = join ('\l', @fmt_fields) . '\l';
my $index_str = '';
if ($args->{show_indexes}) {
my @fmt_indexes;
for my $index ($table->get_indices) {
next unless $index->is_valid;
push @fmt_indexes, join (' ',
? $index->name . ':'
: ()
join (', ', $index->fields),
($index->type eq 'UNIQUE') ? '[U]' : (),
# join index lines with graphviz formatting (if any indexes at all)
$index_str = join ('\l', @fmt_indexes) . '\l' if @fmt_indexes;
my $name_str = $table_name . '\n';
# escape spaces
for ($name_str, $field_str, $index_str) {
$_ =~ s/ /\\ /g;
my $node_args;
# only the 'record' type supports nice formatting
if ($args->{node}{shape} eq 'record') {
# the necessity to supply shape => 'record' is a graphviz bug
$node_args = {
shape => 'record',
label => sprintf ('{%s}',
join ('|',
$field_str || (),
$index_str || (),
else {
my $sep = sprintf ('%s\n',
'-' x ( (length $table_name) + 2)
$node_args = {
label => join ($sep,
$field_str || (),
$index_str || (),
if (my $cluster_name = $cluster{$table_name} ) {
$node_args->{cluster} = $cluster_name;
$gv->add_node(qq["$table_name"], %$node_args);
debug("Processing table '$table_name'");
debug("Fields = ", join(', ', map { $_->name } @fields));
for my $f ( @fields ) {
my $name = $f->name or next;
my $is_pk = $f->is_primary_key;
my $is_unique = $f->is_unique;
# Decide if we should skip this field.
if ( $args->{natural_join} ) {
next unless $is_pk || $f->is_foreign_key;
my $constraints = $f->{'constraints'};
if ( $args->{natural_join} && !$skip_fields{ $name } ) {
push @{ $nj_registry{ $name } }, $table_name;
unless ( $args->{natural_join} ) {
for my $c ( $table->get_constraints ) {
next unless $c->type eq FOREIGN_KEY;
my $fk_table = $c->reference_table or next;
for my $field_name ( $c->fields ) {
for my $fk_field ( $c->reference_fields ) {
next unless defined $schema->get_table( $fk_table );
# a condition is optional if at least one fk is nullable
push @fk_registry, [
scalar (grep { $_->is_nullable } ($c->fields))
# Process relationships, create edges
my (@table_bunches, %optional_constraints);
if ( $args->{natural_join} ) {
for my $field_name ( keys %nj_registry ) {
my @table_names = @{ $nj_registry{ $field_name } || [] } or next;
next if scalar @table_names == 1;
push @table_bunches, [ @table_names ];
else {
for my $i (0 .. $#fk_registry) {
my $fk = $fk_registry[$i];
push @table_bunches, [$fk->[0], $fk->[1]];
$optional_constraints{$i} = $fk->[2];
my %done;
for my $bi (0 .. $#table_bunches) {
my @tables = @{$table_bunches[$bi]};
for my $i ( 0 .. $#tables ) {
my $table1 = $tables[ $i ];
for my $j ( 1 .. $#tables ) {
next if $i == $j;
my $table2 = $tables[ $j ];
next if $done{ $table1 }{ $table2 };
debug("Adding edge '$table2' -> '$table1'");
arrowhead => $optional_constraints{$bi} ? 'empty' : 'normal',
$done{ $table1 }{ $table2 } = 1;
# Print the image
if ( my $out = $args->{out_file} ) {
if (openhandle ($out)) {
print $out $gv->$output_method;
else {
open my $fh, '>', $out or die "Can't write '$out': $!\n";
binmode $fh;
print $fh $gv->$output_method;
close $fh;
else {
return $gv->$output_method;
=head1 AUTHOR
Ken Youens-Clark E<lt>kclark@cpan.orgE<gt>
Jonathan Yu E<lt>frequency@cpan.orgE<gt>
=head1 SEE ALSO
SQL::Translator, GraphViz