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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use SDL;
use lib 't/lib';
my $videodriver = $ENV{SDL_VIDEODRIVER};
if ( !SDL::TestTool->init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) ) {
plan( skip_all => 'Failed to init video' );
my @done = qw/
my @done_event = qw/
can_ok( 'SDL::Events', @done );
can_ok( 'SDL::Event', @done_event );
is( SDL_ACTIVEEVENT, 1, 'SDL_ACTIVEEVENT should be imported' );
is( SDL_ACTIVEEVENT(), 1, 'SDL_ACTIVEEVENT() should also be available' );
'SDL_ACTIVEVENTMASK should be imported'
'SDL_ACTIVEVENTMASK() should also be available'
is( SDL_ADDEVENT, 0, 'SDL_ADDEVENT should be imported' );
is( SDL_ADDEVENT(), 0, 'SDL_ADDEVENT() should also be available' );
is( SDL_ALLEVENTS, 0xFFFFFFFF, 'SDL_ALLEVENTS should be imported' );
is( SDL_ALLEVENTS(), 0xFFFFFFFF, 'SDL_ALLEVENTS() should also be available' );
is( SDL_APPACTIVE, 4, 'SDL_APPACTIVE should be imported' );
is( SDL_APPACTIVE(), 4, 'SDL_APPACTIVE() should also be available' );
is( SDL_APPINPUTFOCUS, 2, 'SDL_APPINPUTFOCUS should be imported' );
is( SDL_APPINPUTFOCUS(), 2, 'SDL_APPINPUTFOCUS() should also be available' );
is( SDL_APPMOUSEFOCUS, 1, 'SDL_APPMOUSEFOCUS should be imported' );
is( SDL_APPMOUSEFOCUS(), 1, 'SDL_APPMOUSEFOCUS() should also be available' );
is( SDL_BUTTON_LEFT, 1, 'SDL_BUTTON_LEFT should be imported' );
is( SDL_BUTTON_LEFT(), 1, 'SDL_BUTTON_LEFT() should also be available' );
is( SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE, 2, 'SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE should be imported' );
is( SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE(), 2, 'SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE() should also be available' );
is( SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT, 3, 'SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT should be imported' );
is( SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT(), 3, 'SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT() should also be available' );
is( SDL_BUTTON_WHEELUP, 4, 'SDL_BUTTON_WHEELUP should be imported' );
is( SDL_BUTTON_WHEELUP(), 4, 'SDL_BUTTON_WHEELUP() should also be available' );
is( SDL_BUTTON_WHEELDOWN, 5, 'SDL_BUTTON_WHEELDOWN should be imported' );
'SDL_BUTTON_WHEELDOWN() should also be available'
is( SDL_DISABLE, 0, 'SDL_DISABLE should be imported' );
is( SDL_DISABLE(), 0, 'SDL_DISABLE() should also be available' );
is( SDL_ENABLE, 1, 'SDL_ENABLE should be imported' );
is( SDL_ENABLE(), 1, 'SDL_ENABLE() should also be available' );
is( SDL_GETEVENT, 2, 'SDL_GETEVENT should be imported' );
is( SDL_GETEVENT(), 2, 'SDL_GETEVENT() should also be available' );
is( SDL_HAT_CENTERED, 0, 'SDL_HAT_CENTERED should be imported' );
is( SDL_HAT_CENTERED(), 0, 'SDL_HAT_CENTERED() should also be available' );
is( SDL_HAT_DOWN, 4, 'SDL_HAT_DOWN should be imported' );
is( SDL_HAT_DOWN(), 4, 'SDL_HAT_DOWN() should also be available' );
is( SDL_HAT_LEFT, 8, 'SDL_HAT_LEFT should be imported' );
is( SDL_HAT_LEFT(), 8, 'SDL_HAT_LEFT() should also be available' );
is( SDL_HAT_LEFTDOWN, 12, 'SDL_HAT_LEFTDOWN should be imported' );
is( SDL_HAT_LEFTDOWN(), 12, 'SDL_HAT_LEFTDOWN() should also be available' );
is( SDL_HAT_LEFTUP, 9, 'SDL_HAT_LEFTUP should be imported' );
is( SDL_HAT_LEFTUP(), 9, 'SDL_HAT_LEFTUP() should also be available' );
is( SDL_HAT_RIGHT, 2, 'SDL_HAT_RIGHT should be imported' );
is( SDL_HAT_RIGHT(), 2, 'SDL_HAT_RIGHT() should also be available' );
is( SDL_HAT_RIGHTDOWN, 6, 'SDL_HAT_RIGHTDOWN should be imported' );
is( SDL_HAT_RIGHTDOWN(), 6, 'SDL_HAT_RIGHTDOWN() should also be available' );
is( SDL_HAT_RIGHTUP, 3, 'SDL_HAT_RIGHTUP should be imported' );
is( SDL_HAT_RIGHTUP(), 3, 'SDL_HAT_RIGHTUP() should also be available' );
is( SDL_HAT_UP, 1, 'SDL_HAT_UP should be imported' );
is( SDL_HAT_UP(), 1, 'SDL_HAT_UP() should also be available' );
is( SDL_IGNORE, 0, 'SDL_IGNORE should be imported' );
is( SDL_IGNORE(), 0, 'SDL_IGNORE() should also be available' );
is( SDL_JOYAXISMOTION, 7, 'SDL_JOYAXISMOTION should be imported' );
is( SDL_JOYAXISMOTION(), 7, 'SDL_JOYAXISMOTION() should also be available' );
is( SDL_JOYBALLMOTION, 8, 'SDL_JOYBALLMOTION should be imported' );
is( SDL_JOYBALLMOTION(), 8, 'SDL_JOYBALLMOTION() should also be available' );
is( SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN, 10, 'SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN should be imported' );
is( SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN(), 10, 'SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN() should also be available' );
is( SDL_JOYBUTTONUP, 11, 'SDL_JOYBUTTONUP should be imported' );
is( SDL_JOYBUTTONUP(), 11, 'SDL_JOYBUTTONUP() should also be available' );
is( SDL_JOYHATMOTION, 9, 'SDL_JOYHATMOTION should be imported' );
is( SDL_JOYHATMOTION(), 9, 'SDL_JOYHATMOTION() should also be available' );
'SDL_JOYAXISMOTIONMASK should be imported'
'SDL_JOYAXISMOTIONMASK() should also be available'
'SDL_JOYBALLMOTIONMASK should be imported'
'SDL_JOYBALLMOTIONMASK() should also be available'
'SDL_JOYHATMOTIONMASK should be imported'
'SDL_JOYHATMOTIONMASK() should also be available'
'SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWNMASK should be imported'
'SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWNMASK() should also be available'
'SDL_JOYBUTTONUPMASK should be imported'
'SDL_JOYBUTTONUPMASK() should also be available'
'SDL_JOYEVENTMASK should be imported'
'SDL_JOYEVENTMASK() should also be available'
is( SDL_KEYDOWN, 2, 'SDL_KEYDOWN should be imported' );
is( SDL_KEYDOWN(), 2, 'SDL_KEYDOWN() should also be available' );
is( SDL_KEYUP, 3, 'SDL_KEYUP should be imported' );
is( SDL_KEYUP(), 3, 'SDL_KEYUP() should also be available' );
'SDL_KEYDOWNMASK should be imported'
'SDL_KEYDOWNMASK() should also be available'
'SDL_KEYUPMASK should be imported'
'SDL_KEYUPMASK() should also be available'
'SDL_KEYEVENTMASK should be imported'
'SDL_KEYEVENTMASK() should also be available'
'SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN() should also be available'
is( SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP, 6, 'SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP should be imported' );
is( SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP(), 6, 'SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP() should also be available' );
is( SDL_MOUSEMOTION, 4, 'SDL_MOUSEMOTION should be imported' );
is( SDL_MOUSEMOTION(), 4, 'SDL_MOUSEMOTION() should also be available' );
'SDL_MOUSEMOTIONMASK should be imported'
'SDL_MOUSEMOTIONMASK() should also be available'
'SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWNMASK should be imported'
'SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWNMASK() should also be available'
'SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUPMASK should be imported'
'SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUPMASK() should also be available'
'SDL_MOUSEEVENTMASK should be imported'
'SDL_MOUSEEVENTMASK() should also be available'
is( SDL_NUMEVENTS, 32, 'SDL_NUMEVENTS should be imported' );
is( SDL_NUMEVENTS(), 32, 'SDL_NUMEVENTS() should also be available' );
is( SDL_PEEKEVENT, 1, 'SDL_PEEKEVENT should be imported' );
is( SDL_PEEKEVENT(), 1, 'SDL_PEEKEVENT() should also be available' );
is( SDL_PRESSED, 1, 'SDL_PRESSED should be imported' );
is( SDL_PRESSED(), 1, 'SDL_PRESSED() should also be available' );
is( SDL_QUERY, -1, 'SDL_QUERY should be imported' );
is( SDL_QUERY(), -1, 'SDL_QUERY() should also be available' );
is( SDL_QUIT, 12, 'SDL_QUIT should be imported' );
is( SDL_QUIT(), 12, 'SDL_QUIT() should also be available' );
'SDL_QUITMASK() should also be available'
is( SDL_RELEASED, 0, 'SDL_RELEASED should be imported' );
is( SDL_RELEASED(), 0, 'SDL_RELEASED() should also be available' );
is( SDL_SYSWMEVENT, 13, 'SDL_SYSWMEVENT should be imported' );
is( SDL_SYSWMEVENT(), 13, 'SDL_SYSWMEVENT() should also be available' );
'SDL_SYSWMEVENTMASK should be imported'
'SDL_SYSWMEVENTMASK() should also be available'
is( SDL_USEREVENT, 24, 'SDL_USEREVENT should be imported' );
is( SDL_USEREVENT(), 24, 'SDL_USEREVENT() should also be available' );
is( SDL_VIDEOEXPOSE, 17, 'SDL_VIDEOEXPOSE should be imported' );
is( SDL_VIDEOEXPOSE(), 17, 'SDL_VIDEOEXPOSE() should also be available' );
'SDL_VIDEOEXPOSEMASK should be imported'
'SDL_VIDEOEXPOSEMASK() should also be available'
is( SDL_VIDEORESIZE, 16, 'SDL_VIDEORESIZE should be imported' );
is( SDL_VIDEORESIZE(), 16, 'SDL_VIDEORESIZE() should also be available' );
'SDL_VIDEORESIZEMASK should be imported'
'SDL_VIDEORESIZEMASK() should also be available'
is( KMOD_ALT, 768, 'KMOD_ALT should be imported' );
is( KMOD_ALT(), 768, 'KMOD_ALT() should also be available' );
is( KMOD_CAPS, 8192, 'KMOD_CAPS should be imported' );
is( KMOD_CAPS(), 8192, 'KMOD_CAPS() should also be available' );
is( KMOD_CTRL, 192, 'KMOD_CTRL should be imported' );
is( KMOD_CTRL(), 192, 'KMOD_CTRL() should also be available' );
is( KMOD_LALT, 256, 'KMOD_LALT should be imported' );
is( KMOD_LALT(), 256, 'KMOD_LALT() should also be available' );
is( KMOD_LCTRL, 64, 'KMOD_LCTRL should be imported' );
is( KMOD_LCTRL(), 64, 'KMOD_LCTRL() should also be available' );
is( KMOD_LMETA, 0x0400, 'KMOD_LMETA should be imported' );
is( KMOD_LMETA(), 0x0400, 'KMOD_LMETA() should also be available' );
is( KMOD_LSHIFT, 1, 'KMOD_LSHIFT should be imported' );
is( KMOD_LSHIFT(), 1, 'KMOD_LSHIFT() should also be available' );
is( KMOD_META, 0x0400 | 0x0800, 'KMOD_META should be imported' );
is( KMOD_META(), 0x0400 | 0x0800, 'KMOD_META() should also be available' );
is( KMOD_MODE, 0x4000, 'KMOD_MODE should be imported' );
is( KMOD_MODE(), 0x4000, 'KMOD_MODE() should also be available' );
is( KMOD_NONE, 0, 'KMOD_NONE should be imported' );
is( KMOD_NONE(), 0, 'KMOD_NONE() should also be available' );
is( KMOD_NUM, 4096, 'KMOD_NUM should be imported' );
is( KMOD_NUM(), 4096, 'KMOD_NUM() should also be available' );
is( KMOD_RESERVED, 0x8000, 'KMOD_RESERVED should be imported' );
is( KMOD_RESERVED(), 0x8000, 'KMOD_RESERVED() should also be available' );
is( KMOD_RALT, 512, 'KMOD_RALT should be imported' );
is( KMOD_RALT(), 512, 'KMOD_RALT() should also be available' );
is( KMOD_RCTRL, 128, 'KMOD_RCTRL should be imported' );
is( KMOD_RCTRL(), 128, 'KMOD_RCTRL() should also be available' );
is( KMOD_RMETA, 0x0800, 'KMOD_RMETA should be imported' );
is( KMOD_RMETA(), 0x0800, 'KMOD_RMETA() should also be available' );
is( KMOD_RSHIFT, 2, 'KMOD_RSHIFT should be imported' );
is( KMOD_RSHIFT(), 2, 'KMOD_RSHIFT() should also be available' );
is( KMOD_SHIFT, 3, 'KMOD_SHIFT should be imported' );
is( KMOD_SHIFT(), 3, 'KMOD_SHIFT() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_0, 48, 'SDLK_0 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_0(), 48, 'SDLK_0() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_1, 49, 'SDLK_1 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_1(), 49, 'SDLK_1() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_2, 50, 'SDLK_2 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_2(), 50, 'SDLK_2() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_3, 51, 'SDLK_3 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_3(), 51, 'SDLK_3() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_4, 52, 'SDLK_4 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_4(), 52, 'SDLK_4() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_5, 53, 'SDLK_5 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_5(), 53, 'SDLK_5() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_6, 54, 'SDLK_6 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_6(), 54, 'SDLK_6() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_7, 55, 'SDLK_7 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_7(), 55, 'SDLK_7() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_8, 56, 'SDLK_8 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_8(), 56, 'SDLK_8() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_9, 57, 'SDLK_9 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_9(), 57, 'SDLK_9() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_AMPERSAND, 38, 'SDLK_AMPERSAND should be imported' );
is( SDLK_AMPERSAND(), 38, 'SDLK_AMPERSAND() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_ASTERISK, 42, 'SDLK_ASTERISK should be imported' );
is( SDLK_ASTERISK(), 42, 'SDLK_ASTERISK() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_AT, 64, 'SDLK_AT should be imported' );
is( SDLK_AT(), 64, 'SDLK_AT() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_BACKQUOTE, 96, 'SDLK_BACKQUOTE should be imported' );
is( SDLK_BACKQUOTE(), 96, 'SDLK_BACKQUOTE() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_BACKSLASH, 92, 'SDLK_BACKSLASH should be imported' );
is( SDLK_BACKSLASH(), 92, 'SDLK_BACKSLASH() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_BACKSPACE, 8, 'SDLK_BACKSPACE should be imported' );
is( SDLK_BACKSPACE(), 8, 'SDLK_BACKSPACE() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_BREAK, 318, 'SDLK_BREAK should be imported' );
is( SDLK_BREAK(), 318, 'SDLK_BREAK() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_CAPSLOCK, 301, 'SDLK_CAPSLOCK should be imported' );
is( SDLK_CAPSLOCK(), 301, 'SDLK_CAPSLOCK() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_CARET, 94, 'SDLK_CARET should be imported' );
is( SDLK_CARET(), 94, 'SDLK_CARET() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_CLEAR, 12, 'SDLK_CLEAR should be imported' );
is( SDLK_CLEAR(), 12, 'SDLK_CLEAR() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_COLON, 58, 'SDLK_COLON should be imported' );
is( SDLK_COLON(), 58, 'SDLK_COLON() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_COMMA, 44, 'SDLK_COMMA should be imported' );
is( SDLK_COMMA(), 44, 'SDLK_COMMA() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_COMPOSE, 314, 'SDLK_COMPOSE should be imported' );
is( SDLK_COMPOSE(), 314, 'SDLK_COMPOSE() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_DELETE, 127, 'SDLK_DELETE should be imported' );
is( SDLK_DELETE(), 127, 'SDLK_DELETE() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_DOLLAR, 36, 'SDLK_DOLLAR should be imported' );
is( SDLK_DOLLAR(), 36, 'SDLK_DOLLAR() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_DOWN, 274, 'SDLK_DOWN should be imported' );
is( SDLK_DOWN(), 274, 'SDLK_DOWN() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_END, 279, 'SDLK_END should be imported' );
is( SDLK_END(), 279, 'SDLK_END() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_EQUALS, 61, 'SDLK_EQUALS should be imported' );
is( SDLK_EQUALS(), 61, 'SDLK_EQUALS() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_ESCAPE, 27, 'SDLK_ESCAPE should be imported' );
is( SDLK_ESCAPE(), 27, 'SDLK_ESCAPE() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_EURO, 321, 'SDLK_EURO should be imported' );
is( SDLK_EURO(), 321, 'SDLK_EURO() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_EXCLAIM, 33, 'SDLK_EXCLAIM should be imported' );
is( SDLK_EXCLAIM(), 33, 'SDLK_EXCLAIM() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_F1, 282, 'SDLK_F1 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_F1(), 282, 'SDLK_F1() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_F10, 291, 'SDLK_F10 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_F10(), 291, 'SDLK_F10() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_F11, 292, 'SDLK_F11 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_F11(), 292, 'SDLK_F11() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_F12, 293, 'SDLK_F12 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_F12(), 293, 'SDLK_F12() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_F13, 294, 'SDLK_F13 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_F13(), 294, 'SDLK_F13() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_F14, 295, 'SDLK_F14 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_F14(), 295, 'SDLK_F14() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_F15, 296, 'SDLK_F15 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_F15(), 296, 'SDLK_F15() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_F2, 283, 'SDLK_F2 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_F2(), 283, 'SDLK_F2() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_F3, 284, 'SDLK_F3 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_F3(), 284, 'SDLK_F3() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_F4, 285, 'SDLK_F4 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_F4(), 285, 'SDLK_F4() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_F5, 286, 'SDLK_F5 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_F5(), 286, 'SDLK_F5() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_F6, 287, 'SDLK_F6 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_F6(), 287, 'SDLK_F6() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_F7, 288, 'SDLK_F7 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_F7(), 288, 'SDLK_F7() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_F8, 289, 'SDLK_F8 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_F8(), 289, 'SDLK_F8() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_F9, 290, 'SDLK_F9 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_F9(), 290, 'SDLK_F9() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_FIRST, 0, 'SDLK_FIRST should be imported' );
is( SDLK_FIRST(), 0, 'SDLK_FIRST() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_GREATER, 62, 'SDLK_GREATER should be imported' );
is( SDLK_GREATER(), 62, 'SDLK_GREATER() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_HASH, 35, 'SDLK_HASH should be imported' );
is( SDLK_HASH(), 35, 'SDLK_HASH() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_HELP, 315, 'SDLK_HELP should be imported' );
is( SDLK_HELP(), 315, 'SDLK_HELP() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_HOME, 278, 'SDLK_HOME should be imported' );
is( SDLK_HOME(), 278, 'SDLK_HOME() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_INSERT, 277, 'SDLK_INSERT should be imported' );
is( SDLK_INSERT(), 277, 'SDLK_INSERT() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_KP0, 256, 'SDLK_KP0 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_KP0(), 256, 'SDLK_KP0() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_KP1, 257, 'SDLK_KP1 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_KP1(), 257, 'SDLK_KP1() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_KP2, 258, 'SDLK_KP2 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_KP2(), 258, 'SDLK_KP2() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_KP3, 259, 'SDLK_KP3 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_KP3(), 259, 'SDLK_KP3() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_KP4, 260, 'SDLK_KP4 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_KP4(), 260, 'SDLK_KP4() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_KP5, 261, 'SDLK_KP5 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_KP5(), 261, 'SDLK_KP5() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_KP6, 262, 'SDLK_KP6 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_KP6(), 262, 'SDLK_KP6() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_KP7, 263, 'SDLK_KP7 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_KP7(), 263, 'SDLK_KP7() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_KP8, 264, 'SDLK_KP8 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_KP8(), 264, 'SDLK_KP8() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_KP9, 265, 'SDLK_KP9 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_KP9(), 265, 'SDLK_KP9() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_KP_DIVIDE, 267, 'SDLK_KP_DIVIDE should be imported' );
is( SDLK_KP_DIVIDE(), 267, 'SDLK_KP_DIVIDE() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_KP_ENTER, 271, 'SDLK_KP_ENTER should be imported' );
is( SDLK_KP_ENTER(), 271, 'SDLK_KP_ENTER() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_KP_EQUALS, 272, 'SDLK_KP_EQUALS should be imported' );
is( SDLK_KP_EQUALS(), 272, 'SDLK_KP_EQUALS() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_KP_MINUS, 269, 'SDLK_KP_MINUS should be imported' );
is( SDLK_KP_MINUS(), 269, 'SDLK_KP_MINUS() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_KP_MULTIPLY, 268, 'SDLK_KP_MULTIPLY should be imported' );
is( SDLK_KP_MULTIPLY(), 268, 'SDLK_KP_MULTIPLY() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_KP_PERIOD, 266, 'SDLK_KP_PERIOD should be imported' );
is( SDLK_KP_PERIOD(), 266, 'SDLK_KP_PERIOD() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_KP_PLUS, 270, 'SDLK_KP_PLUS should be imported' );
is( SDLK_KP_PLUS(), 270, 'SDLK_KP_PLUS() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_LALT, 308, 'SDLK_LALT should be imported' );
is( SDLK_LALT(), 308, 'SDLK_LALT() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_LCTRL, 306, 'SDLK_LCTRL should be imported' );
is( SDLK_LCTRL(), 306, 'SDLK_LCTRL() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_LEFT, 276, 'SDLK_LEFT should be imported' );
is( SDLK_LEFT(), 276, 'SDLK_LEFT() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_LEFTBRACKET, 91, 'SDLK_LEFTBRACKET should be imported' );
is( SDLK_LEFTBRACKET(), 91, 'SDLK_LEFTBRACKET() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_LEFTPAREN, 40, 'SDLK_LEFTPAREN should be imported' );
is( SDLK_LEFTPAREN(), 40, 'SDLK_LEFTPAREN() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_LESS, 60, 'SDLK_LESS should be imported' );
is( SDLK_LESS(), 60, 'SDLK_LESS() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_LMETA, 310, 'SDLK_LMETA should be imported' );
is( SDLK_LMETA(), 310, 'SDLK_LMETA() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_LSHIFT, 304, 'SDLK_LSHIFT should be imported' );
is( SDLK_LSHIFT(), 304, 'SDLK_LSHIFT() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_LSUPER, 311, 'SDLK_LSUPER should be imported' );
is( SDLK_LSUPER(), 311, 'SDLK_LSUPER() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_MENU, 319, 'SDLK_MENU should be imported' );
is( SDLK_MENU(), 319, 'SDLK_MENU() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_MINUS, 45, 'SDLK_MINUS should be imported' );
is( SDLK_MINUS(), 45, 'SDLK_MINUS() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_MODE, 313, 'SDLK_MODE should be imported' );
is( SDLK_MODE(), 313, 'SDLK_MODE() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_NUMLOCK, 300, 'SDLK_NUMLOCK should be imported' );
is( SDLK_NUMLOCK(), 300, 'SDLK_NUMLOCK() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_PAGEDOWN, 281, 'SDLK_PAGEDOWN should be imported' );
is( SDLK_PAGEDOWN(), 281, 'SDLK_PAGEDOWN() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_PAGEUP, 280, 'SDLK_PAGEUP should be imported' );
is( SDLK_PAGEUP(), 280, 'SDLK_PAGEUP() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_PAUSE, 19, 'SDLK_PAUSE should be imported' );
is( SDLK_PAUSE(), 19, 'SDLK_PAUSE() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_PERIOD, 46, 'SDLK_PERIOD should be imported' );
is( SDLK_PERIOD(), 46, 'SDLK_PERIOD() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_PLUS, 43, 'SDLK_PLUS should be imported' );
is( SDLK_PLUS(), 43, 'SDLK_PLUS() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_POWER, 320, 'SDLK_POWER should be imported' );
is( SDLK_POWER(), 320, 'SDLK_POWER() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_PRINT, 316, 'SDLK_PRINT should be imported' );
is( SDLK_PRINT(), 316, 'SDLK_PRINT() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_QUESTION, 63, 'SDLK_QUESTION should be imported' );
is( SDLK_QUESTION(), 63, 'SDLK_QUESTION() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_QUOTE, 39, 'SDLK_QUOTE should be imported' );
is( SDLK_QUOTE(), 39, 'SDLK_QUOTE() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_QUOTEDBL, 34, 'SDLK_QUOTEDBL should be imported' );
is( SDLK_QUOTEDBL(), 34, 'SDLK_QUOTEDBL() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_RALT, 307, 'SDLK_RALT should be imported' );
is( SDLK_RALT(), 307, 'SDLK_RALT() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_RCTRL, 305, 'SDLK_RCTRL should be imported' );
is( SDLK_RCTRL(), 305, 'SDLK_RCTRL() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_RETURN, 13, 'SDLK_RETURN should be imported' );
is( SDLK_RETURN(), 13, 'SDLK_RETURN() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_RIGHT, 275, 'SDLK_RIGHT should be imported' );
is( SDLK_RIGHT(), 275, 'SDLK_RIGHT() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_RIGHTBRACKET, 93, 'SDLK_RIGHTBRACKET should be imported' );
is( SDLK_RIGHTBRACKET(), 93, 'SDLK_RIGHTBRACKET() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_RIGHTPAREN, 41, 'SDLK_RIGHTPAREN should be imported' );
is( SDLK_RIGHTPAREN(), 41, 'SDLK_RIGHTPAREN() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_RMETA, 309, 'SDLK_RMETA should be imported' );
is( SDLK_RMETA(), 309, 'SDLK_RMETA() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_RSHIFT, 303, 'SDLK_RSHIFT should be imported' );
is( SDLK_RSHIFT(), 303, 'SDLK_RSHIFT() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_RSUPER, 312, 'SDLK_RSUPER should be imported' );
is( SDLK_RSUPER(), 312, 'SDLK_RSUPER() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_SCROLLOCK, 302, 'SDLK_SCROLLOCK should be imported' );
is( SDLK_SCROLLOCK(), 302, 'SDLK_SCROLLOCK() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_SEMICOLON, 59, 'SDLK_SEMICOLON should be imported' );
is( SDLK_SEMICOLON(), 59, 'SDLK_SEMICOLON() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_SLASH, 47, 'SDLK_SLASH should be imported' );
is( SDLK_SLASH(), 47, 'SDLK_SLASH() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_SPACE, 32, 'SDLK_SPACE should be imported' );
is( SDLK_SPACE(), 32, 'SDLK_SPACE() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_SYSREQ, 317, 'SDLK_SYSREQ should be imported' );
is( SDLK_SYSREQ(), 317, 'SDLK_SYSREQ() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_TAB, 9, 'SDLK_TAB should be imported' );
is( SDLK_TAB(), 9, 'SDLK_TAB() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_UNDERSCORE, 95, 'SDLK_UNDERSCORE should be imported' );
is( SDLK_UNDERSCORE(), 95, 'SDLK_UNDERSCORE() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_UNDO, 322, 'SDLK_UNDO should be imported' );
is( SDLK_UNDO(), 322, 'SDLK_UNDO() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_UNKNOWN, 0, 'SDLK_WORLD_95 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_UNKNOWN(), 0, 'SDLK_WORLD_95() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_UP, 273, 'SDLK_UP should be imported' );
is( SDLK_UP(), 273, 'SDLK_UP() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_0, 160, 'SDLK_WORLD_0 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_0(), 160, 'SDLK_WORLD_0() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_1, 161, 'SDLK_WORLD_1 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_1(), 161, 'SDLK_WORLD_1() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_2, 162, 'SDLK_WORLD_2 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_2(), 162, 'SDLK_WORLD_2() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_3, 163, 'SDLK_WORLD_3 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_3(), 163, 'SDLK_WORLD_3() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_4, 164, 'SDLK_WORLD_4 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_4(), 164, 'SDLK_WORLD_4() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_5, 165, 'SDLK_WORLD_5 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_5(), 165, 'SDLK_WORLD_5() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_6, 166, 'SDLK_WORLD_6 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_6(), 166, 'SDLK_WORLD_6() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_7, 167, 'SDLK_WORLD_7 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_7(), 167, 'SDLK_WORLD_7() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_8, 168, 'SDLK_WORLD_8 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_8(), 168, 'SDLK_WORLD_8() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_9, 169, 'SDLK_WORLD_9 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_9(), 169, 'SDLK_WORLD_9() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_10, 170, 'SDLK_WORLD_10 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_10(), 170, 'SDLK_WORLD_10() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_11, 171, 'SDLK_WORLD_11 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_11(), 171, 'SDLK_WORLD_11() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_12, 172, 'SDLK_WORLD_12 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_12(), 172, 'SDLK_WORLD_12() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_13, 173, 'SDLK_WORLD_13 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_13(), 173, 'SDLK_WORLD_13() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_14, 174, 'SDLK_WORLD_14 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_14(), 174, 'SDLK_WORLD_14() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_15, 175, 'SDLK_WORLD_15 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_15(), 175, 'SDLK_WORLD_15() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_16, 176, 'SDLK_WORLD_16 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_16(), 176, 'SDLK_WORLD_16() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_17, 177, 'SDLK_WORLD_17 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_17(), 177, 'SDLK_WORLD_17() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_18, 178, 'SDLK_WORLD_18 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_18(), 178, 'SDLK_WORLD_18() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_19, 179, 'SDLK_WORLD_19 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_19(), 179, 'SDLK_WORLD_19() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_20, 180, 'SDLK_WORLD_20 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_20(), 180, 'SDLK_WORLD_20() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_21, 181, 'SDLK_WORLD_21 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_21(), 181, 'SDLK_WORLD_21() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_22, 182, 'SDLK_WORLD_22 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_22(), 182, 'SDLK_WORLD_22() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_23, 183, 'SDLK_WORLD_23 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_23(), 183, 'SDLK_WORLD_23() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_24, 184, 'SDLK_WORLD_24 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_24(), 184, 'SDLK_WORLD_24() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_25, 185, 'SDLK_WORLD_25 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_25(), 185, 'SDLK_WORLD_25() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_26, 186, 'SDLK_WORLD_26 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_26(), 186, 'SDLK_WORLD_26() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_27, 187, 'SDLK_WORLD_27 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_27(), 187, 'SDLK_WORLD_27() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_28, 188, 'SDLK_WORLD_28 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_28(), 188, 'SDLK_WORLD_28() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_29, 189, 'SDLK_WORLD_29 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_29(), 189, 'SDLK_WORLD_29() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_30, 190, 'SDLK_WORLD_30 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_30(), 190, 'SDLK_WORLD_30() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_31, 191, 'SDLK_WORLD_31 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_31(), 191, 'SDLK_WORLD_31() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_32, 192, 'SDLK_WORLD_32 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_32(), 192, 'SDLK_WORLD_32() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_33, 193, 'SDLK_WORLD_33 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_33(), 193, 'SDLK_WORLD_33() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_34, 194, 'SDLK_WORLD_34 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_34(), 194, 'SDLK_WORLD_34() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_35, 195, 'SDLK_WORLD_35 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_35(), 195, 'SDLK_WORLD_35() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_36, 196, 'SDLK_WORLD_36 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_36(), 196, 'SDLK_WORLD_36() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_37, 197, 'SDLK_WORLD_37 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_37(), 197, 'SDLK_WORLD_37() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_38, 198, 'SDLK_WORLD_38 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_38(), 198, 'SDLK_WORLD_38() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_39, 199, 'SDLK_WORLD_39 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_39(), 199, 'SDLK_WORLD_39() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_40, 200, 'SDLK_WORLD_40 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_40(), 200, 'SDLK_WORLD_40() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_41, 201, 'SDLK_WORLD_41 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_41(), 201, 'SDLK_WORLD_41() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_42, 202, 'SDLK_WORLD_42 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_42(), 202, 'SDLK_WORLD_42() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_43, 203, 'SDLK_WORLD_43 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_43(), 203, 'SDLK_WORLD_43() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_44, 204, 'SDLK_WORLD_44 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_44(), 204, 'SDLK_WORLD_44() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_45, 205, 'SDLK_WORLD_45 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_45(), 205, 'SDLK_WORLD_45() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_46, 206, 'SDLK_WORLD_46 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_46(), 206, 'SDLK_WORLD_46() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_47, 207, 'SDLK_WORLD_47 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_47(), 207, 'SDLK_WORLD_47() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_48, 208, 'SDLK_WORLD_48 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_48(), 208, 'SDLK_WORLD_48() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_49, 209, 'SDLK_WORLD_49 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_49(), 209, 'SDLK_WORLD_49() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_50, 210, 'SDLK_WORLD_50 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_50(), 210, 'SDLK_WORLD_50() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_51, 211, 'SDLK_WORLD_51 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_51(), 211, 'SDLK_WORLD_51() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_52, 212, 'SDLK_WORLD_52 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_52(), 212, 'SDLK_WORLD_52() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_53, 213, 'SDLK_WORLD_53 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_53(), 213, 'SDLK_WORLD_53() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_54, 214, 'SDLK_WORLD_54 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_54(), 214, 'SDLK_WORLD_54() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_55, 215, 'SDLK_WORLD_55 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_55(), 215, 'SDLK_WORLD_55() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_56, 216, 'SDLK_WORLD_56 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_56(), 216, 'SDLK_WORLD_56() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_57, 217, 'SDLK_WORLD_57 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_57(), 217, 'SDLK_WORLD_57() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_58, 218, 'SDLK_WORLD_58 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_58(), 218, 'SDLK_WORLD_58() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_59, 219, 'SDLK_WORLD_59 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_59(), 219, 'SDLK_WORLD_59() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_60, 220, 'SDLK_WORLD_60 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_60(), 220, 'SDLK_WORLD_60() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_61, 221, 'SDLK_WORLD_61 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_61(), 221, 'SDLK_WORLD_61() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_62, 222, 'SDLK_WORLD_62 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_62(), 222, 'SDLK_WORLD_62() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_63, 223, 'SDLK_WORLD_63 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_63(), 223, 'SDLK_WORLD_63() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_64, 224, 'SDLK_WORLD_64 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_64(), 224, 'SDLK_WORLD_64() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_65, 225, 'SDLK_WORLD_65 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_65(), 225, 'SDLK_WORLD_65() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_66, 226, 'SDLK_WORLD_66 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_66(), 226, 'SDLK_WORLD_66() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_67, 227, 'SDLK_WORLD_67 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_67(), 227, 'SDLK_WORLD_67() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_68, 228, 'SDLK_WORLD_68 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_68(), 228, 'SDLK_WORLD_68() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_69, 229, 'SDLK_WORLD_69 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_69(), 229, 'SDLK_WORLD_69() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_70, 230, 'SDLK_WORLD_70 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_70(), 230, 'SDLK_WORLD_70() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_71, 231, 'SDLK_WORLD_71 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_71(), 231, 'SDLK_WORLD_71() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_72, 232, 'SDLK_WORLD_72 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_72(), 232, 'SDLK_WORLD_72() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_73, 233, 'SDLK_WORLD_73 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_73(), 233, 'SDLK_WORLD_73() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_74, 234, 'SDLK_WORLD_74 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_74(), 234, 'SDLK_WORLD_74() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_75, 235, 'SDLK_WORLD_75 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_75(), 235, 'SDLK_WORLD_75() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_76, 236, 'SDLK_WORLD_76 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_76(), 236, 'SDLK_WORLD_76() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_77, 237, 'SDLK_WORLD_77 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_77(), 237, 'SDLK_WORLD_77() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_78, 238, 'SDLK_WORLD_78 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_78(), 238, 'SDLK_WORLD_78() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_79, 239, 'SDLK_WORLD_79 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_79(), 239, 'SDLK_WORLD_79() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_80, 240, 'SDLK_WORLD_80 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_80(), 240, 'SDLK_WORLD_80() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_81, 241, 'SDLK_WORLD_81 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_81(), 241, 'SDLK_WORLD_81() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_82, 242, 'SDLK_WORLD_82 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_82(), 242, 'SDLK_WORLD_82() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_83, 243, 'SDLK_WORLD_83 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_83(), 243, 'SDLK_WORLD_83() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_84, 244, 'SDLK_WORLD_84 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_84(), 244, 'SDLK_WORLD_84() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_85, 245, 'SDLK_WORLD_85 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_85(), 245, 'SDLK_WORLD_85() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_86, 246, 'SDLK_WORLD_86 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_86(), 246, 'SDLK_WORLD_86() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_87, 247, 'SDLK_WORLD_87 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_87(), 247, 'SDLK_WORLD_87() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_88, 248, 'SDLK_WORLD_88 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_88(), 248, 'SDLK_WORLD_88() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_89, 249, 'SDLK_WORLD_89 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_89(), 249, 'SDLK_WORLD_89() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_90, 250, 'SDLK_WORLD_90 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_90(), 250, 'SDLK_WORLD_90() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_91, 251, 'SDLK_WORLD_91 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_91(), 251, 'SDLK_WORLD_91() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_92, 252, 'SDLK_WORLD_92 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_92(), 252, 'SDLK_WORLD_92() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_93, 253, 'SDLK_WORLD_93 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_93(), 253, 'SDLK_WORLD_93() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_94, 254, 'SDLK_WORLD_94 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_94(), 254, 'SDLK_WORLD_94() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_95, 255, 'SDLK_WORLD_95 should be imported' );
is( SDLK_WORLD_95(), 255, 'SDLK_WORLD_95() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_a, 97, 'SDLK_a should be imported' );
is( SDLK_a(), 97, 'SDLK_a() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_b, 98, 'SDLK_b should be imported' );
is( SDLK_b(), 98, 'SDLK_b() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_c, 99, 'SDLK_c should be imported' );
is( SDLK_c(), 99, 'SDLK_c() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_d, 100, 'SDLK_d should be imported' );
is( SDLK_d(), 100, 'SDLK_d() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_e, 101, 'SDLK_e should be imported' );
is( SDLK_e(), 101, 'SDLK_e() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_f, 102, 'SDLK_f should be imported' );
is( SDLK_f(), 102, 'SDLK_f() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_g, 103, 'SDLK_g should be imported' );
is( SDLK_g(), 103, 'SDLK_g() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_h, 104, 'SDLK_h should be imported' );
is( SDLK_h(), 104, 'SDLK_h() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_i, 105, 'SDLK_i should be imported' );
is( SDLK_i(), 105, 'SDLK_i() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_j, 106, 'SDLK_j should be imported' );
is( SDLK_j(), 106, 'SDLK_j() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_k, 107, 'SDLK_k should be imported' );
is( SDLK_k(), 107, 'SDLK_k() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_l, 108, 'SDLK_l should be imported' );
is( SDLK_l(), 108, 'SDLK_l() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_m, 109, 'SDLK_m should be imported' );
is( SDLK_m(), 109, 'SDLK_m() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_n, 110, 'SDLK_n should be imported' );
is( SDLK_n(), 110, 'SDLK_n() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_o, 111, 'SDLK_o should be imported' );
is( SDLK_o(), 111, 'SDLK_o() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_p, 112, 'SDLK_p should be imported' );
is( SDLK_p(), 112, 'SDLK_p() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_q, 113, 'SDLK_q should be imported' );
is( SDLK_q(), 113, 'SDLK_q() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_r, 114, 'SDLK_r should be imported' );
is( SDLK_r(), 114, 'SDLK_r() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_s, 115, 'SDLK_s should be imported' );
is( SDLK_s(), 115, 'SDLK_s() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_t, 116, 'SDLK_t should be imported' );
is( SDLK_t(), 116, 'SDLK_t() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_u, 117, 'SDLK_u should be imported' );
is( SDLK_u(), 117, 'SDLK_u() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_v, 118, 'SDLK_v should be imported' );
is( SDLK_v(), 118, 'SDLK_v() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_w, 119, 'SDLK_w should be imported' );
is( SDLK_w(), 119, 'SDLK_w() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_x, 120, 'SDLK_x should be imported' );
is( SDLK_x(), 120, 'SDLK_x() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_y, 121, 'SDLK_y should be imported' );
is( SDLK_y(), 121, 'SDLK_y() should also be available' );
is( SDLK_z, 122, 'SDLK_z should be imported' );
is( SDLK_z(), 122, 'SDLK_z() should also be available' );
my $display = SDL::Video::set_video_mode( 640, 480, 32, SDL_SWSURFACE );
is( SDL::Events::pump_events(), undef, '[pump_events] Returns undef' );
my $event = SDL::Event->new();
my $aevent = SDL::Event->new();
my $userdata = SDL::Event->new();
my @udata = ( 0 .. 10 );
$userdata->user_data1( \@udata );
pass '[push_event] Event can be pushed';
pass '[pump_events] pumping events';
my $got_event = 0;
while (1) {
my $ret = SDL::Events::poll_event($event);
my $r;
if ( $event->type == SDL_ACTIVEEVENT
&& $event->active_gain == 1
&& $event->active_state == SDL_APPINPUTFOCUS )
$got_event = 1;
is( $got_event, 1, '[poll_event] Got an Active event back out' );
is( $event->active_gain(), 1, '[poll_event] Got right active->gain' );
is( $event->active_state(), SDL_APPINPUTFOCUS,
'[poll_event] Got right active->state'
if ( $event->type == SDL_USEREVENT ) {
$r = $event->user_data1();
is( @{$r}, 11, '[user_events] can hold user data now' );
last if $r && $got_event;
last if ( $ret == 0 );
pass '[push_event] ran';
my $value = SDL::Events::wait_event($event);
is( $value, 1, '[wait_event] waited for event' );
my $num_peep_events = SDL::Events::peep_events( $event, 127, SDL_PEEKEVENT, SDL_ALLEVENTS );
is( $num_peep_events >= 0,
1, '[peep_events] Size of event queue is ' . $num_peep_events
my $callback = sub { return 1; };
pass '[set_event_filter] takes a callback';
my $array = SDL::Events::get_key_state();
isa_ok( $array, 'ARRAY', '[get_key_state] returned and array' );
my @mods = (
foreach (@mods) {
pass '[set_mod_state] set the mod properly';
is( SDL::Events::get_mod_state(),
$_, '[get_mod_state] got the mod properly'
$display = SDL::Video::set_video_mode( 640, 480, 32, SDL_SWSURFACE );
is( SDL::Events::get_key_name(SDLK_ESCAPE),
'escape', '[get_key_name] Gets name of key_sym back'
my $nevent = SDL::Event->new();
SDL::Events::event_state( SDL_ACTIVEEVENT, SDL_IGNORE );
my $got = 0;
while ( SDL::Events::poll_event($nevent) ) {
$got = 1 if $nevent->type == SDL_ACTIVEEVENT;
is( $got, 0, '[event_state] works with SDL_IGNORE on SDL_ACTIVEEVENT' );
SDL::Events::event_state( SDL_ACTIVEEVENT, SDL_ENABLE );
my $atleast = 0;
while ( SDL::Events::poll_event($nevent) ) {
$atleast = 1 if $nevent->type == SDL_ACTIVEEVENT;
is( $atleast, 1, '[event_state] works with SDL_ENABLE on SDL_ACTIVEEVENT' );
is( SDL::Events::enable_unicode(1), 0, '[enable_unicode] return 0 took 1' );
is( SDL::Events::enable_unicode(-1), 1, '[enable_unicode] return 1 took -1' );
is( SDL::Events::enable_unicode(0), 1, '[enable_unicode] return 1 took 0' );
is( SDL::Events::enable_unicode(-1), 0, '[enable_unicode] return 1 took -1' );
my $kr = SDL::Events::enable_key_repeat( 10, 10 );
is( ( $kr == -1 || $kr == 0 ),
1, '[enable_key_repeat] returned expeceted values'
my $ms = SDL::Events::get_mouse_state();
$ms, 'ARRAY',
'[get_mouse_state] got back array size of ' . @{$ms} . ' '
$ms = SDL::Events::get_relative_mouse_state();
$ms, 'ARRAY',
'[get_relative_mouse_state] got back array size of ' . @{$ms} . ' '
$ms = SDL::Events::get_app_state();
1, '[get_app_state] Returns value within parameter ' . $ms
is( SDL::Events::joystick_event_state(SDL_ENABLE),
SDL_ENABLE, '[joystick_event_state] return SDL_IGNORE correctly'
is( SDL::Events::joystick_event_state(SDL_QUERY),
SDL_ENABLE, '[joystick_event_state] return SDL_ENABLE took SDL_QUERY'
is( SDL::Events::joystick_event_state(SDL_IGNORE),
SDL_IGNORE, '[joystick_event_state] return SDL_IGNORE correctly'
is( SDL::Events::joystick_event_state(SDL_QUERY),
SDL_IGNORE, '[joystick_event_state] return SDL_IGNORE took SDL_QUERY '
skip "Turn SDL_GUI_TEST on", 1 unless $ENV{'SDL_GUI_TEST'};
$display = SDL::Video::set_video_mode( 640, 480, 32, SDL_SWSURFACE );
$event = SDL::Event->new();
#This filters out all ActiveEvents
my $filter = sub {
if ( $_[0]->type == SDL_ACTIVEEVENT ) { return 0 }
else { return 1; }
my $filtered = 1;
while (1) {
if ( SDL::Events::poll_event($event) ) {
if ( $event->type == SDL_ACTIVEEVENT ) {
diag 'We should not be in here. The next test will fail!';
$filtered = 0; #we got a problem!
print "Hello Mouse!!!\n"
if ( $event->active_gain
&& ( $event->active_state == SDL_APPMOUSEFOCUS ) );
print "Bye Mouse!!!\n"
if ( !$event->active_gain
&& ( $event->active_state == SDL_APPMOUSEFOCUS ) );
last if ( $event->type == SDL_QUIT );
is( $filtered, 1, '[set_event_filter] Properly filtered SDL_ACTIVEEVENT' );
if ($videodriver) {
$ENV{SDL_VIDEODRIVER} = $videodriver;
} else {
pass 'Are we still alive? Checking for segfaults';