FusionInventory::Agent::Network - the Network abstraction layer
This module is the abstraction layer for network interaction. It uses LWP.
- new()
The constructor. These keys are expected: config, logger, target.
my $network = FusionInventory::Agent::Network->new ({ logger => $logger, config => $config, target => $target, });
- send()
Send an instance of FusionInventory::Agent::XML::Query::* to the target (the server).
- getStore()
Acts like LWP::Simple::getstore.
my $rc = $network->getStore({ source => '', target => '/tmp/fusioinventory.html' noProxy => 0 });
$rc, can be read by isSuccess()
- get()
my $content = $network->get({ source => '', timeout => 15, noProxy => 0 });
Act like LWP::Simple::get, return the HTTP content of the URL in 'source'. The timeout is optional
- isSuccess()
Wrapper for LWP::is_success;
die unless $network->isSuccess({ code => $rc });
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 20:
=over without closing =back