HTML::Parser - HTML parser class


This is the new XS based HTML::Parser and is currently a beta release. It should be completely backwards compatible with HTML::Parser version 2.2x, but has many new features. The interface should be fairly stable now.


use HTML::Parser ();

# Create parser object
$p = HTML::Parser->new( api_version => 3,
                        start_h => [\&start, "tagname, attr"],
                        end_h   => [\&end,   "tagname"],
                        marked_sections => 1,

# Parse document text chunk by chunk
$p->eof;                 # signal end of document

# Parse directly from file
# or
open(F, "foo.html") || die;

HTML::Parser version 2 style subclassing and method callbacks:

    package MyParser;
    use base 'HTML::Parser';

    sub start {
       my($self, $tagname, $attr, $attrseq, $origtext) = @_;

    sub end {
	my($self, $tagname, $origtext) = @_;

    sub text {
	my($self, $origtext, $is_cdata) = @_;

 my $p = MyParser->new;


Objects of the HTML::Parser class will recognize markup and separate it from the plain text (alias data content) in HTML documents. As different kinds of markup and text are recognized, the corresponding event handlers are invoked.

HTML::Parser in not a generic SGML parser. We have tried to make it able to deal with the HTML that is actually "out there", and by default it parses as close as possible to the way the big web browsers do it, instead of strictly following one of the many HTML specifications from W3C. Where there is disagreement there is often an option that you can enable to get the official behaviour.

The document to be parsed may be supplied in arbitrary chunks. This makes on-the-fly parsing as documents are received possible.

If event driven parsing does not feel right for your application, you might want to take a look at HTML::TokeParser. It is a HTML::Parser subclass that allow a more conventional program structure.


The following method is used to construct a new HTML::Parser object:

$p = HTML::Parser->new( %options_and_handlers )

The class method new() creates a new HTML::Parser object and returns it. Key/value pair arguments may be provided to set up event handlers or set initial parser options. The handlers and parser options can also be set or modified by method calls described later.

If a top level key is in the form "<event>_h" (e.g., "text_h"} then it assigns a handler to that event, otherwise it sets a parser option. The event handler specification must be wrapped in an array reference. Multiple handlers may also be assigned with the 'handlers => [%handlers]' option. See examples below.

If new() is called without any arguments, it will create a parser that uses callback methods compatible with version 2 of HTML::Parser. See the section on "version 2 compatibility" below for details.

Special constructor option 'api_version => 2' can be used to initialize version 2 callbacks while still setting other options and handlers. The 'api_version => 3' option can be used if you don't want to set any options and don't want to fall back to v2 compatible mode.


$p = HTML::Parser->new(api_version => 3,
                       text_h => [ sub {...}, "dtext" ]);

This creates a new parser object with a text event handler subroutine that receives the original text with general entities decoded.

 $p = HTML::Parser->new(api_version => 3,
			start_h => [ 'my_start', "self,tokens" ]);

This creates a new parser object with a start event handler method that receives the $p and the tokens array.

 $p = HTML::Parser->new(api_version => 3,
		        handlers => { text => [\@array, "event,text"],
                                      comment => [\@array, "event,text"],

This creates a new parser object that stores the event type and the original text in @array for text and comment events.

The following methods are used to feed the HTML document to be parsed to the HTML::Parser object:

$p->parse( $string )

Parse $string as the next chunk of the HTML document. The return value is normally a reference to the parser object (i.e. $p). If some of the handlers invoked aborts parsing by calling $p->eof, then $p->parse() will return a FALSE value.

$p->parse_file( $file )

Parse text directly from a file. The $file argument can be a filename, an open file handle, or a reference to a an open file handle.

If $file contains a filename and the file can't be opened, then the method returns an undefined value and $! tells why it failed. Otherwise the return value is a reference to the parser object.

If a file handle is passed as the $file argument, then the file will be read until EOF, but not closed.


Signals the end of the HTML document. Calling the eof() method outside a handler callback will flush any remaining buffered text (trigger the text event).

Calling $p->eof inside a handler will terminate parsing at that point and $p->parse will return a FALSE value. This will also terminate parsing by $p->parse_file() at that point.

The return value is a reference to the parser object.

Most parser options are controlled by boolean attributes. Each boolean attribute is enabled by calling the corresponding method with a TRUE argument and disabled with a FALSE argument. The attribute value is left unchanged if no argument is given. The return value from each method is the old attribute value.

Methods that can be used to get and/or set parser options are:

$p->strict_comment( [$bool] )

By default, comments are terminated by the first occurrence of "-->". This is the behaviour of most popular browsers (like Netscape and MSIE), but it is not correct according to the official HTML standard. Officially, you need an even number of "--" tokens before the closing ">" is recognized and there may not be anything but whitespace between an even and an odd "--".

The official behaviour is enabled by enabling this attribute.

$p->strict_names( [$bool] )

By default, almost anything is allowed in tag and attribute names. This is the behaviour of most popular browsers and allows us to parse some broken tags with invalid attr values like:

<IMG SRC=newprevlstGr.gif ALT=[PREV LIST] BORDER=0>

By default, "LIST]" is parsed as the name of a boolean attribute, not as part of the ALT value as was clearly intended. This is also what Netscape sees.

The official behaviour is enabled by enabling this attribute. If enabled, it will cause the tag above to be reported as text since "LIST]" is not a legal attribute name.

$p->boolean_attribute_value( $val )

This method sets the value reported for boolean attributes inside HTML start tags. By default, the name of the attribute is also used as its value. This affect the values reported for tokens and attr.

$p->xml_mode( [$bool] )

Enabling this attribute changes the parser to allow some XML constructs such as empty element tags and XML processing instructions. It also disables forcing tag and attr names to lower case when they are reported by the tagname and attr argspecs.

Empty element tags look like start tags, but end with the character sequence "/>". When recognized by HTML::Parser they cause an artificial end event in addition to the start event. The text for this generated end event will be empty and the tokenpos array will be undefined even though the only element in the token array will have the correct tag name.

XML processing instructions are terminated by "?>" instead of a simple ">" as is the case for HTML.

$p->unbroken_text( [$bool] )

Note: This option is not supported yet!

By default, blocks of text are given to the text handler as soon as possible (but the parser makes sure to always break text at the boundary between whitespace and non-whitespace so single words and entities always can be decoded safely). This might create breaks that make it hard to do transformations on the text. When this attribute is enabled, blocks of text are always reported in one piece. This will delay the text event until the following (non-text) event has been recognized by the parser.

$p->marked_section( [$bool] )

By default, section markings like <![CDATA[...]]> are treated like ordinary text. When this attribute is enabled section markings are honoured.

There are currently no events assosiated with the marked section markup.

As markup and text is recognized, handlers are invoked. The following method is used to set up handlers for different events:

$p->handler( event => \&subroutine, argspec )
$p->handler( event => method_name, argspec )
$p->handler( event => \@accum, argspec )
$p->handler( event );

This method assigns a subroutine, method, or array to handle an event.

Event is one of text, start, end, declaration, comment, process or default.

Subroutine is a reference to a subroutine which is called to handle the event.

Method_name is the name of a method of $p which is called to handle the event.

Accum is a array that will hold the event information as sub-arrays.

Argspec is a string that describes the information to be reported from the event. Any requested information that does not apply to an specific event is passed as undef. If argspec is omitted, then it is left unchanged since last update.

The return value from $p->handle is the old callback routine or a reference to the accumulator array.

Return values from handler callback routines/methods are always ignored. A handler callback can request parsing to be aborted by invoking the $p->eof method. A handler callback is not allowed to invoke $p->parse() or $p->parse_file().


$p->handler(start =>  "start", 'self, attr, attrseq, text' );

This causes the "start" method of object $p to be called for 'start' events. The callback signature is $p->start(\%attr, \@attr_seq, $text).

$p->handler(start =>  \&start, 'attr, attrseq, text' );

This causes subroutine start() to be called for 'start' events. The callback signature is start(\%attr, \@attr_seq, $text).

$p->handler(start =>  \@accum, '"S", attr, attrseq, text' );

This causes 'start' event information to be saved in @accum. The array elements will be ['S', \%attr, \@attr_seq, $text].

$p->handler(start => "");

This causes 'start' events to be ignored. It also supresses invokations of any default handler for these events. It is equivalent to $p->handler(start => sub {}), but is more efficient.

$p->handler(start => undef);

This causes no handler to be assosiated with start events any more. If there is a default handler it will be invoked.


Argspec is a string containing a comma separated list that describes the information reported by the event. The following argspec identifier names can be used:


Self causes the current object to be passed to the handler. If the handler is a method, this must be the first element in the argspec.


Tokens causes a reference to an array of token strings to be passed. The strings are exactly as they were found in the original text, no decoding or case changes are applied.

For declaration events, the array contains each word, comment, and delimited string starting with the declaration type.

For comment events, this contains each sub-comment. If $p->strict_comments is disabled, there will be only one sub-comment.

For start events, this contains the original tag name followed by the attribute name/value pairs. The value of boolean attributes will be either the value set by $p->boolean_attribute_value or the attribute name if no value has been set by $p->boolean_attribute_value.

For end events, this contains the original tag name (one token only).

For process events, this contains the process instructions (one token only).

This passes undef for text events.


Tokenpos causes a reference to an array of token positions to be passed. For each string that appears in tokens, this array contains two numbers. The first number is the offset of the start of the token in the original text and the second number is the length of the token.

Boolean attributes in a start event will have (0,0) for the attribute value offset and length.

This passes undef if there are no tokens in the event (e.g., text) and for artifical end events triggered by empty start tags

If you are using these offsets and lengths to modify text, you should either work from right to left, or be very careful to calculate the changes to the offsets.


Token0 causes the original text of the first token string to be passed. This should always be the same as $tokens->[0] except for artifical end tags generated by XML empty start tags.

For declaration events, this is the declaration type.

For start and end events, this is the tag name.

This passes undef if there are no tokens in the event.


This is the element name (or generic identifier in SGML jargon) for the start and end tags. Since HTML is case insensitive this name is forced to lower case to ease string matching.

Since XML on the other hand is case sensitive, the tagname case is not touched when xml_mode is enabled.

The declaration type is also made available as tagname, even if that is a bit strange. In fact in the current implementation tagname is identical to token0 except that the name is forced to lower case.


Attr causes a reference to a hash of attribute name/value pairs to be passed.

Boolean attributes' values will be either the value set by $p->boolean_attribute_value or the attribute name if no value has been set by $p->boolean_attribute_value.

This passes undef except for start events.

Unless xml_mode is enabled, the attribute names are forced to lower case.

General entities are decoded in the attribute values and one layer of matching quotes enclosing the attribute values are removed.


Attrseq causes a reference to an array of attribute names to be passed. This can be useful if you want to walk the attr hash in the original sequence.

This passes undef except for start events.

Unless xml_mode is enabled, the attribute names are forced to lower case.


Text causes the source text (including delimiters for markup) to be passed.


Dtext causes the decoded text to be passed. General entities are automatically decoded unless the event was inside a CDATA section or was between literal start and end tags (script, style, xmp, and plaintext).

The ISO 8859-1 character set (aka Latin1) is assumed for entity decoding. (It is planned that HTML::Parser will get an utf8 option at some point that will affect the byte sequence that characters with code > 127 will decode into.)

This passes undef except for text events.


Is_cdata causes a TRUE value to be passed if the event inside a CDATA section or was between literal start and end tags (script, style, xmp, and plaintext).

When the flag is FALSE for a text event, then you should normally either use dtext or decode the entities yourself before the text is processed further.


Offset causes the byte position in the HTML document of the start of the event to be passed. The first byte in the document is 0.


Length causes the number of bytes of the source text of the event to be passed.


Event causes the event name to be passed.

The event name is one of text, start, end, declaration, comment, process or default.


Note: This is not supported yet!

Line causes the line number of the start of the event to be passed. The first line in the document is 1. Line counting doesn't start until at least one handler requests this value.


A literal string of 0 to 255 chracters enclosed in single (') or double (") quotes is passed as entered.


Pass an undefined value. Useful as padding.


Handlers for the following events can be registered:


This event is triggered when plain text is recognized. The text may contain multiple lines. A sequence of text may be broken between several text events unless $p->unbroken_text is enabled.

The parser will make sure that it does not break a word or a sequence of whitespace between two text events.


This event is triggered when a start tag is recognized.

Example of a start tag:

<A HREF="">

This event is triggered when an end tag is recognized.



This event is triggered when a markup declaration is recognized.

For typical HTML documents, the only declaration you are likely to find is <!DOCTYPE ...>.



DTDs inside <!DOCTYPE ...> will confuse HTML::Parser.


This event is triggered when a markup comment is recognized.


<!-- This is a comment --
  -- So is this -->

This event is triggered when a processing instructions markup is recognized.

The format and content of processing instructions is system and application dependent.


<? HTML processing instructions >
<? XML processing instructions ?>

This event is triggered for events that do not have a specific handler. You can set up a handler for this event to catch stuff you did not want set catch explicitly.


When an HTML::Parser object is constructed with no arguments, a set of handlers is automatically provided that is compatible with the old HTML::Parser version 2 callback methods.

This is equivalent to the following method calls:

   $p->handler(start   => "start",   "self, tagname, attr, attrseq, text");
   $p->handler(end     => "end",     "self, tagname, text");
   $p->handler(text    => "text",    "self, text, is_cdata");
   $p->handler(process => "process", "self, token0, text");
   $p->handler(comment =>
             sub {
		 my($self, $tokens) = @_;
		 for (@$tokens) {$self->comment($_);}},
             "self, tokens");
   $p->handler(declaration =>
             sub {
		 my $self = shift;
		 $self->declaration(substr($_[0], 2, -1));},
             "self, text");

Setup of these handlers can also be requested with the "api_version => 2" constructor option.


The HTML::Parser class is subclassable. Parser objects are plain hashes and HTML::Parser reserves only hash keys that start with "_hparser".


The first simple example shows how you might strip out comments from an HTML document. We achieve this by setting up a comment handler that does nothing and a default handler that will print out anything else:

use HTML::Parser;
HTML::Parser->new(default_h => [sub { print shift }, 'text'],
                  comment_h => [""],
                 )->parse_file(shift || die) || die $!;

The next example prints out the text that is inside the <title> element of an HTML document. Here we start by setting up a start handler. When it sees the title start tag it enables a text handler that prints any text found and an end handler that will terminate parsing as soon as the title end tag is seen:

  use HTML::Parser ();

  sub start_handler
    return if shift ne "title";
    my $self = shift;
    $self->handler(text => sub { print shift }, "dtext");
    $self->handler(end  => sub { shift->eof if shift eq "title"; },

  my $p = HTML::Parser->new(api_version => 3,
			  start_h => [\&start_handler, "tagname,self"]);
  $p->parse_file(shift || die) || die $!;
  print "\n";

More examples are found in the "eg/" directory of the HTML-Parser distribution; the program hrefsub shows how you can edit all links found in a document; the program hstrip shows how you can strip out certain tags/elements and/or attributes; and the program htext show how to obtain the plain text, but not any script/style content.


HTML::Parser will leave <plaintext> mode when it sees </plaintext>. Plaintext mode should not really be escapeable.

The <style> and <script> sections do not end with the first "</", but need the complete corresponding end tag.

When the strict_comment option is enabled, we still recognize comments where there is something other than whitespace between even and odd "--" markers.

Once $p->boolean_attribute_value has been set, there is no way to restore the default behaviour.

There is currently no way to get both quote characters into an literal argspec.

Empty tags, e.g. "<>" and "</>", are not recognized. SGML allows them to repeat the previous start tag or close the previous start tag respecitvely.

NET tags, e.g. "code/.../" are not recognized. This is a SGML shorthand for "<code>...</code>".

Unclosed start or end tags, e.g. "<tt<b>...</b</tt>" are not recognized.


[To be provided]


HTML::Entities, HTML::TokeParser, HTML::HeadParser, HTML::LinkExtor, HTML::Form

HTML::TreeBuilder (part of the HTML-Tree distribution)

More information about marked sections and processing instructions may be found at


Copyright 1996-1999 Gisle Aas. All rights reserved.
Copyright 1999 Michael A. Chase.  All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.