Image::Info::SVG - SVG support for Image::Info
use Image::Info qw(image_info dim);
my $info = image_info("image.svg");
if (my $error = $info->{error}) {
die "Can't parse image info: $error\n";
my $color = $info->{color_type};
my($w, $h) = dim($info);
A functional yet thus far rudimentary SVG implementation. SVG also provides (for) a plethora of attributes and metadata of an image.
This modules supplies the standard key names except for BitsPerSample, Compression, Gamma, Interlace, LastModificationTime, as well as:
- ImageDescription
The image description, corresponds to <desc>.
- SVG_Image
A scalar or reference to an array of scalars containing the URI's of embedded images (JPG or PNG) that are embedded in the image.
- SVG_StandAlone
Whether or not the image is standalone.
- SVG_Title
The image title, corresponds to <title>
- SVG_Version
The URI of the DTD the image conforms to.
This module requires XML::Simple
Image::Info, XML::Simple, expat
SVG is not yet a standard, though much software exists which is capable of creating and displaying SVG images. For more information about SVG see:
Jerrad Pierce <>/<>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
2 POD Errors
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 142:
'=item' outside of any '=over'
- Around line 146:
You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'