HTTP::Message - Class encapsulating HTTP messages


package HTTP::Request;  # or HTTP::Response
require HTTP::Message;


An HTTP::Message object contains some headers and a content (body). The class is abstract, i.e. it only used as a base class for HTTP::Request and HTTP::Response and should never instantiated as itself.

The following methods are available:

$mess = HTTP::Message->new

This is the object constructor. It should only be called internally by this library. External code should construct HTTP::Request or HTTP::Response objects.


Returns a copy of the object.

$mess->protocol( $proto )

Sets the HTTP protocol used for the message. The protocol() is a string like HTTP/1.0 or HTTP/1.1.

$mess->content( $content )

The content() method sets the content if an argument is given. If no argument is given the content is not touched. In either case the previous content is returned.

$mess->add_content( $data )

The add_content() methods appends more data to the end of the current content buffer.


The content_ref() method will return a reference to content buffer string. It can be more efficient to access the content this way if the content is huge, and it can even be used for direct manipulation of the content, for instance:

${$res->content_ref} =~ s/\bfoo\b/bar/g;

Return the embedded HTTP::Headers object.

$mess->headers_as_string( $endl )

Call the as_string() method for the headers in the message. This will be the same as:


but it will make your program a whole character shorter :-)

All unknown HTTP::Message methods are delegated to the HTTP::Headers object that is part of every message. This allows convenient access to these methods. Refer to HTTP::Headers for details of these methods:

$mess->header($field => $val);
$mess->push_header($field => $val);
$mess->init_header($field => $val);



Copyright 1995-2001 Gisle Aas.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.