Net::SNMP::Mixin - mixin framework for Net::SNMP


Version 0.04


Thin framework to access cooked SNMP information from SNMP agents with various mixins to Net::SNMP.


use Net::SNMP;
use Net::SNMP::Mixin qw(mixer init_mixins);

my $session = Net::SNMP->session( -hostname => '' );

# method mixin and initialization
$session->mixer(qw/Net::SNMP::Mixin::Foo Net::SNMP::Mixin::Bar/);

# event_loop for nonblocking sessions
snmp_dispatcher() if $Net::SNMP::NONBLOCKING;
die $session->error if $session->error;

# use mixed-in methods to retrieve cooked SNMP info
my $a = $session->get_foo_a();
my $b = $session->get_bar_b();


Net::SNMP implements already the methods to retrieve raw SNMP values from the agents. With the help of specialized mixins, the access to these raw SNMP values is simplified and necessary calculations on these values are already done for gaining high level information.

This module provides helper functions in order to mixin methods into the inheritance tree of the Net::SNMP session instances or the Net::SNMP class itself.

The standard Net::SNMP get_... methods are still supported and the mixins fetch itself the needed SNMP values during initialization with these standard get_... methods. Blocking and non blocking sessions are supported. The mixins don't change the Net::SNMP session instance, besides storing additional payload in the object space prefixed with the unique mixin module names as the hash key.


The following helper methods are exported by default into the Net::SNMP namespace.


# class method

# instance method
$session->mixer(qw/Net::SNMP::Mixin::Yazz Net::SNMP::Mixin::Brazz/)

Called as class method mixes the methods for all session instances. This is useful for agents supporting the same set of MIBs.

Called as instance method mixes only for the calling session instance. This is useful for SNMP agents not supporting the same set of MIBs and therefore not the same set of mixin modules.

Even the SNMP agents from a big network company don't support the most useful standard MIBs. They always use proprietary private enterprise MIBs (ring, ring, Cisco, do you hear the bells, grrrmmml).

The name of the modules to mix-in is passed to this method as a list. You can mix class and instance mixins as you like, but importing the same mixin module twice is an error.

Returns the invocant for chaining method calls, dies on error.



This method redispatches to every _init() methods in the loaded mixin modules. The raw SNMP values for the mixins are loaded during this call - or via callbacks during the snmp_dispatcher event loop for nonblocking sessions - and stored in the object space. The mixed methods deliver afterwards cooked meal from these values.

The MIB values are reloaded for the mixins if the argument $reload is true. It's an error calling this method twice without forcing $reload.

Returns nothing, dies on error.


As a mixin-module author you must respect the following design guidelines:

  • Write more separate mixin-modules instead of 'one module fits all'.

  • Don't build interdependancies to other mixin-modules.

  • In no circumstance change the given attributes of the calling Net::SNMP session instance. In any case stay with the given behavior for blocking, translation, debug, retries, timeout, ... of the object. Remember it's a mixin and no sub- or superclass.

  • Use Sub::Exporter and export the mixin methods by default.

  • Implement the _init() method and fetch SNMP values only during this call. If the session instance is nonblocking use a callback to work properly with the snmp_dispatcher() event loop. In no circumstance load additonal SNMP values outside the _init() method.

See the Net::SNMP::Mixin::System module as a blueprint for a simple mixin module.


If mixer() is called as a class method, the mixin-methods are just imported into the Net::SNMP package.

If called as an instance method for the first time, the methods are imported into a newly generated, unique package for this session. The session instance is reblessed into this new package. The new package inherits from the Net::SNMP class. Successive calls for this session instance imports just the additional mixin-methods into the already generated package for this instance.


Sub::Exporter, and the Net::SNMP::Mixin::... documentations for more details about the provided mixin methods.


Net::SNMP, Sub::Exporter, Package::Generator, Package::Reaper


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-net-snmp-mixin at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc Net::SNMP::Mixin

You can also look for information at:


Copyright 2008 Karl Gaissmaier, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.