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use strict;
# store this package name in a handy variable,
# used for unambiguous prefix of mixin attributes
# storage in object hash
my $prefix = __PACKAGE__;
# this module import config
use Carp ();
use Net::SNMP::Mixin::Util qw/normalize_mac idx2val/;
# this module export config
my @mixin_methods;
@mixin_methods = (
use Sub::Exporter -setup => {
exports => [@mixin_methods],
groups => { default => [@mixin_methods], },
# SNMP oid constants used in this module
# from lldpMIB
use constant {
LLDP_LOCAL_SYSTEM_DATA => '1.0.8802.',
LLDP_LOCAL_CASSIS_ID => '1.0.8802.',
LLDP_LOCAL_SYS_NAME => '1.0.8802.',
LLDP_LOCAL_SYS_DESC => '1.0.8802.',
LLDP_LOCAL_SYS_CAPA_SUP => '1.0.8802.',
LLDP_LOCAL_SYS_CAPA_ENA => '1.0.8802.',
LLDP_REM_TABLE => '1.0.8802.',
LLDP_REM_LOCAL_PORT_NUM => '1.0.8802.',
LLDP_REM_CASSIS_ID => '1.0.8802.',
LLDP_REM_PORT_ID_SUBTYPE => '1.0.8802.',
LLDP_REM_PORT_ID => '1.0.8802.',
LLDP_REM_PORT_DESC => '1.0.8802.',
LLDP_REM_SYS_NAME => '1.0.8802.',
LLDP_REM_SYS_DESC => '1.0.8802.',
LLDP_REM_SYS_CAPA_SUP => '1.0.8802.',
LLDP_REM_SYS_CAPA_ENA => '1.0.8802.',
=head1 NAME
Net::SNMP::Mixin::Dot1abLLDP - mixin class for LLDP infos
=head1 VERSION
Version 0.01_01
our $VERSION = '0.01_01';
A mixin class for Net::SNMP for LLDP based info.
use Net::SNMP;
use Net::SNMP::Mixin qw/mixer init_mixins/;
my $session = Net::SNMP->session( -hostname => 'foo.bar.com' );
snmp_dispatcher() if $session->nonblocking;
die $session->error if $session->error;
printf "Local ChassisID: %s\n",
my $lldp_rem_tbl = $session->get_lldp_rem_table;
foreach my $lport ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$lldp_rem_tbl} ) {
printf "%3d %15.15s %25.25s %25.25s\n", $lport,
=head2 B<< OBJ->get_lldp_local_system_data() >>
Returns the LLDP lldpLocalSystemData group as a hash reference:
lldpLocChassisIdSubtype => Integer,
lldpLocChassisId => OCTET_STRING,
lldpLocSysName => OCTET_STRING,
lldpLocSysDesc => OCTET_STRING,
lldpLocSysCapSupported => BITS,
lldpLocSysCapEnabled => BITS,
sub get_lldp_local_system_data {
my $session = shift;
Carp::croak "'$prefix' not initialized,"
unless $session->{$prefix}{__initialized};
my $result = {};
$result->{lldpLocChassisIdSubtype} =
$result->{lldpLocChassisId} = $session->{$prefix}{lldpLocChassisId};
# if the chassisIdSubtype has the enumeration 'macAddress(4)'
# we normalize the MacAddress
$result->{lldpLocChassisId} = normalize_mac( $result->{lldpLocChassisId} )
if $result->{lldpLocChassisIdSubtype} == 4;
$result->{lldpLocSysName} = $session->{$prefix}{lldpLocSysName};
$result->{lldpLocSysDesc} = $session->{$prefix}{lldpLocSysDesc};
$result->{lldpLocSysCapSupported} =
$result->{lldpLocSysCapEnabled} =
return $result;
=head2 B<< OBJ->get_lldp_rem_table() >>
Returns the LLDP lldp_rem_table as a hash reference. The keys are the LLDP local port numbers on which the remote system information is received:
INTEGER => { # lldpRemLocalPortNum
lldpRemChassisIdSubtype => INTEGER,
lldpRemChassisId => OCTET_STRING,
lldpRemPortIdSubtype => INTEGER,
lldpRemPortId => OCTET_STRING,
lldpRemPortDesc => OCTET_STRING,
lldpRemSysName => OCTET_STRING,
lldpRemSysDesc => OCTET_STRING,
lldpRemSysCapSupported => BITS,
lldpRemSysCapEnabled => BITS,
sub get_lldp_rem_table {
my $session = shift;
Carp::croak "'$prefix' not initialized,"
unless $session->{$prefix}{__initialized};
# stash for return values
my $lldpRemTable = {};
# lldpRemTable index
my @lldpRemTableIndexes = keys %{ $session->{$prefix}{lldpRemPortId} };
foreach my $idx ( @lldpRemTableIndexes ) {
my $row = {};
$row->{lldpRemChassisIdSubtype} =
$row->{lldpRemChassisId} =
# if the chassisIdSubtype has the enumeration 'macAddress(4)'
# we normalize the MacAddress
$row->{lldpRemChassisId} = normalize_mac( $row->{lldpRemChassisId} )
if $row->{lldpRemChassisIdSubtype} == 4;
$row->{lldpRemPortIdSubtype} =
$row->{lldpRemPortId} =
$row->{lldpRemPortDesc} =
$row->{lldpRemSysName} =
$row->{lldpRemSysDesc} =
$row->{lldpRemSysCapSupported} =
$row->{lldpRemSysCapEnabled} =
$lldpRemTable->{$idx} = $row;
return $lldpRemTable;
=head2 B<< OBJ->_init($reload) >>
Fetch the LLDP related snmp values from the host. Don't call this method direct!
sub _init {
my ($session, $reload) = @_;
die "$prefix already initalized and reload not forced.\n"
if $session->{$prefix}{__initialized} && not $reload;
# populate the object with needed mib values
# initialize the object for LLDP infos
return if $session->error;
return if $session->error;
return 1;
Only for developers or maintainers.
=head2 B<< _fetch_lldp_local_system_data($session) >>
Fetch the local system data from the lldpMIB once during object initialization.
sub _fetch_lldp_local_system_data {
my $session = shift;
my $result;
$result = $session->get_request(
-varbindlist => [
# define callback if in nonblocking mode
? ( -callback => \&_lldp_local_system_data_cb )
: (),
return unless defined $result;
return 1 if $session->nonblocking;
# call the callback function in blocking mode by hand
# in order to process the result
=head2 B<< _lldp_local_system_data_cb($session) >>
The callback for _fetch_lldp_local_system_data.
sub _lldp_local_system_data_cb {
my $session = shift;
my $vbl = $session->var_bind_list;
return unless defined $vbl;
$session->{$prefix}{lldpLocChassisIdSubtype} =
$session->{$prefix}{lldpLocChassisId} =
$session->{$prefix}{lldpLocSysName} =
$vbl->{ LLDP_LOCAL_SYS_NAME() };
$session->{$prefix}{lldpLocSysDesc} =
$vbl->{ LLDP_LOCAL_SYS_DESC() };
$session->{$prefix}{lldpLocSysCapSupported} =
$session->{$prefix}{lldpLocSysCapEnabled} =
=head2 B<< _fetch_lldp_rem_tbl($session) >>
Fetch the lldpRemTable once during object initialization.
sub _fetch_lldp_rem_tbl {
my $session = shift;
my $result;
# fetch the lldpRemTable
$result = $session->get_table(
-baseoid => LLDP_REM_TABLE,
# define callback if in nonblocking mode
? ( -callback => \&_lldp_rem_tbl_cb )
: (),
# dangerous for snmp version 2c and 3,
# some agents are very buggy, like ExtremeNetworks Ver. 7.7.1
$session->version ? ( -maxrepetitions => 0 ) : (),
return unless defined $result;
return 1 if $session->nonblocking;
# call the callback function in blocking mode by hand
# in order to process the result
=head2 B<< _lldp_rem_tbl_cb($session) >>
The callback for _fetch_lldp_rem_tbl_cb().
sub _lldp_rem_tbl_cb {
my $session = shift;
my $vbl = $session->var_bind_list;
return unless defined $vbl;
# mangle result table to get plain idx->value
# the tableIndex is a little bit tricky, please see the LLDP-MIB
# .1.0.8802.[.0.20.1]
# ^ ^ ^
# | | |
# lldpRemTimeMark---/ | |
# | |
# lldpRemLocalPortNum--/ |
# |
# lldpRemIndex-----------/
# lldpRemEntry OBJECT-TYPE
# SYNTAX LldpRemEntry
# MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
# STATUS current
# "Information about a particular physical network connection.
# Entries may be created and deleted in this table by the agent,
# if a physical topology discovery process is active."
# lldpRemTimeMark,
# lldpRemLocalPortNum,
# lldpRemIndex
# }
# ::= { lldpRemTable 1 }
# -----------------------------------------------
# mangle result table to get plain idx->value
# cut off the variable lldpRemTimeMark as pre
# and the lldpRemIndex as tail in the idx2val() call
# result hashes: lldpRemLocalPortNum => values
$session->{$prefix}{lldpRemChassisIdSubtype} =
idx2val( $vbl, LLDP_REM_CASSIS_ID_SUBTYPE, 1, 1, );
$session->{$prefix}{lldpRemChassisId} =
idx2val( $vbl, LLDP_REM_CASSIS_ID, 1, 1, );
$session->{$prefix}{lldpRemPortIdSubtype} =
idx2val( $vbl, LLDP_REM_PORT_ID_SUBTYPE, 1, 1, );
$session->{$prefix}{lldpRemPortId} =
idx2val( $vbl, LLDP_REM_PORT_ID, 1, 1, );
$session->{$prefix}{lldpRemPortDesc} =
idx2val( $vbl, LLDP_REM_PORT_DESC, 1, 1, );
$session->{$prefix}{lldpRemSysName} =
idx2val( $vbl, LLDP_REM_SYS_NAME, 1, 1, );
$session->{$prefix}{lldpRemSysDesc} =
idx2val( $vbl, LLDP_REM_SYS_DESC, 1, 1, );
$session->{$prefix}{lldpRemSysCapSupported} =
idx2val( $vbl, LLDP_REM_SYS_CAPA_SUP, 1, 1, );
$session->{$prefix}{lldpRemSysCapEnabled} =
idx2val( $vbl, LLDP_REM_SYS_CAPA_ENA, 1, 1, );
unless ( caller() ) {
print "$prefix compiles and initializes successful.\n";
=head1 AUTHOR
Karl Gaissmaier, C<< <karl.gaissmaier at uni-ulm.de> >>
Copyright 2008 Karl Gaissmaier, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
# vim: sw=2