Nama - Ecasound-based recorder/mixer
Nama is a application and library for multitrack recording, mixing and mastering using the Ecasound audio engine developed by Kai Vehmanen.
Nama builds signal processing graphs for Ecasound while offering the user familiar concepts of of track, bus, effect, preset, send, insert, mark and region, as well as various templates and tools for automating project setup.
Wavform editing and display is provided by external applications, such as Audacity or Mhwaveedit.
A simple and convenient GUI is provided, more powerful capabilities available at the command prompt.
Nama runs under JACK and ALSA audio frameworks, automatically detects LADSPA and LV2 plugins, uses Git for project management. supports Ladish Level 1 session handling.
Installing Nama and its Perl Dependencies from CPAN
The following command will install Nama, automatically pulling in all Perl modules required to run Nama in text mode:
PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT=1 cpan Audio::Nama
To use the GUI, you will need to install Tk:
cpan Tk
You may optionally install Audio::Ecasound to run Ecasound via libecasoundc:
cpan Audio::Ecasound
You can browse the sources or download a tarball via:
Installing Nama from your distribution's package manager
Debian (testing, unstable)
You can install Nama from Debian by typing:
apt-get install nama
aptitude nama
To use Nama's GUI, you will also need to install Tk:
apt-get install perl-tk
Ubuntu (lucid, maverick)
Use Ubuntu's package Add/Remove tool.
Arch Linux
Build from Source
If you want to inspect or modify Nama's internals, you can pull the source code as follows:
git clone git://
Consult the BUILD file for build instructions.
Non-Perl Dependencies
(These dependencies are pulled in automatically if you install Nama in a Debian system.)
The Ecasound audio processing libraries should be installed. Ecasound should be compiled with support for LADSPA, libsndfile, libsamplerate and JACK. Ecasound may be obtained from or as precompiled binary package for your Un*x distribution.
The LADSPA SDK is required to autosense LADSPA plugins and scaling hints. It is available at:
In particular the utility program 'analyseplugin' must be installed in a directory in your execution PATH.
Nama's mastering mode uses a number of LADSPA plugins in a reasonably flat starting configuration. provided that the user installs the plugins listed in the default configuration file .namarc.
Git is required to utilize Nama's source control and undo features.
Unless specified otherwise, this code is 2003 - 2012, copyright Joel Roth
All rights are reserved except as provided by the Gnu Public License, version 3, as detailed in the file COPYING provided with this distribution.