Acme::Playmate - An object-oriented interface to
Version 0.04
use Acme::Playmate;
my $bunny = Acme::Playmate->new(2007, 1);
print "Details for playmate " . $bunny->name() . "\n"; # Jayde Nicole
print "Birthplace: " . $bunny->birthplace() . "\n"; # 'Scarborough, Ontario'
print "Bust: " . $bunny->bust() . "\n"; # 34" C
print "Waist: " . $bunny->waist() . "\n"; # 24
print "Hips: " . $bunny->hips() . "\n"; # 35
print "Height: " . $bunny->height() . "\n"; # 5' 9"
print "Weight: " . $bunny->weight() . "\n"; # 117 lbs
$bunny->next(); # goes to next month's playmate
$bunny->previous(); # goes to previous month's playmate
$bunny->link(); # link to oficial's Playmate Directory
# (not yet implemented)
while (my ($q, $a) = each $bunny->questions) {
print "$q\n"; # ambitions, turn-ons, good first date, ...
print "$a\n"; # answers! Feeling lucky? ;)
Acme::Playmate lets you browse all of Playboy's "Playmate of the Month" (a.k.a. Centerfolds) information.
new ( YYYY, MM )
Intantiates a new playmate. Receives year and month as parameters. If the month is omitted, fetches the 'Playmate of the Year' (feature is not yet implemented). If no parameter is given, defaults to the first playmate ever (The eternal Marilyn Monroe, December 1953). Returns undef if unable to fetch information.
name, birthplace, bust, waist, hips, height, weight
I think those are self-explanatory :)
(not yet implemented)
Should return questions and answers from the Playmate's Data Sheet
Returns the Playboy's website URL for the selected Playmate's directory.
...and now your object is the Playmate of the previous month. Returns undef if there is none.
...and now your object is the Playmate of the following month. Returns undef if there is none.
Olle S. de Zwart, <olle at>
Currently mantained by Breno G. de Oliveira <garu at>
Due to copyright restrictions, information cannot be cached, so you'll need an active Internet connection to use this module.
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-acme-playmate at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Acme::Playmate
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Many thanks to the team for putting the playmates' contents online for the readers.
Playboy's Website:
This module is Copyright 2000-2009 O. S. de Zwart, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
This module is not affiliated with Playboy or in any way.
The contents of the Playboy Internet service ("the Service"), including all Sites, are intended for the personal, noncommercial use of its users. All materials published on the Sites (including, but not limited to articles, photographs, images, illustrations, product descriptions, audio clips and video clips (collectively, the "Content")) are protected by copyright, trademark and all other applicable intellectual property laws, and are owned or controlled by Playboy Enterprises, Inc. or the party credited as the provider of such Content, software or other materials. You shall abide by copyright or other notices, information and restrictions appearing in conjunction with any Content accessed through the Service. The Service is protected by copyright as a collective work and/or compilation, pursuant to U.S. copyright laws, international conventions and other copyright laws. Except as may otherwise be set forth on the Terms of Service, you may not modify, adapt, translate, exhibit, publish, transmit, participate in the transfer or sale of, create derivative works from, distribute, perform, display, reverse engineer, decompile or dissemble, or in any way exploit, any of the Content, software, materials, Sites or Service in whole or in part.
Please refer to for further information.