Template::AsGraph - Create a graph from a Template Toolkit file
Version 0.01
Given a Template Toolkit filename, it generates a Graph::Easy object with the entire template flow.
use Template::AsGraph;
# quick graph creation for any TT2 template
my $graph = Template::AsGraph->graph('mytemplate.tt2');
You can also set up any TT configurations such as different tag styles and INCLUDE_PATHs. You can even set OUTPUT to actually get the processed template (see documentation below):
my %config = (
INCLUDE_PATH => 'root/src/',
START_TAG => '<+',
END_TAG => '+>',
PLUGIN_BASE => 'MyApp::Template::Plugin',
PRE_PROCESS => 'header',
OUTPUT => \$output,
my $graph = Template::AsGraph->graph('mytemplate.tt2', \%config);
Alternatively, if you have dinamically loaded templates, you may want to pass on variables and other TT options just as you would to a regular Template object.
my $graph = Template::AsGraph->graph('mytemplate.tt2', \%config, \%vars);
The returnerd $graph is a Graph::Easy object, so you can manipulate it at will. For example, save as a PNG file (assuming you have graphviz's "dot" binary)
if (open my $png, '|-', 'dot -Tpng -o routes.png') {
print $png $graph->as_graphviz;
graph($template_name, \%tt_config)
graph($template_name, \%tt_config, \%tt_vars)
Receives a template name and generates a Graph::Easy object with a representation of the template's flow. It may optionally receive any Template configuration option and variables.
Breno G. de Oliveira, <garu at>
Although this module should work without any quirks and DWIM for almost everyone, there are some minor issues that can emerge with advanced users:
In order to correctly find the processing tree, we wrap TT's Context module on our own. So you won't be able to setup a custom Context object to use with this module. If your version also wraps the original TT Context (and you should), you can easily fix this by inheriting from Template::AsGraph::Context instead of from Template::Context, and just setting it up in the config hash:
CONTEXT => My::Custom::Context->new(),
If, by any chance, you also want to fetch the output of the processed template(s), you'll need to setup the OUTPUT (and, optionally, OUTPUT_PATH). Please refer to Template::Manual::Config for more information on how to get the best out of it.
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-template-asgraph at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Template::AsGraph
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Andy Wardley and his awesome Template Toolkit deserve all the praise. Also, many thanks to Pedro Melo and his MojoX::Routes::AsGraph, which served as inspiration for this module from the main idea down to the actual code.
Copyright 2009 Breno G. de Oliveira, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.