Beanstalk::Job - Class to represent a job from a beanstalkd server
- id
Returns job id
- client
Returns Beanstalk::Client object for the server the job resides on
- buried
Returns true if the job is buried
- reserved
Returns true if the job was created via a reserve command and has not been deleted, buried or released
- data
Returns the raw data for the beanstalkd server for the job
- error
Returns the last error
- stats
Return a Stats object for this job. See Beanstalk::Client for a list of methods available.
- delete
Tell the server to delete this job
- touch
on a reserved job will reset the time left for the job to complete back to the original ttr value. - peek
Peek this job on the server.
- release
Release the job.
- bury
Tell the server to bury the job
- args
Decode and return the raw data from the beanstalkd server
- tube
Return the name of the tube the job is in
- ttr
Returns the jobs time to run, in seconds.
- priority
Return the jobs priority
Beanstalk::Pool, Beanstalk::Client, Beanstalk::Stats
Graham Barr <>
Copyright (c) 2008 by Graham Barr. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.