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use strict;
use Storable 'dclone';
my @mappingFirewallProfiles = qw/public standard domain/;
sub isEnabled {
my (%params) = @_;
return 0 if $params{no_category}->{firewall};
return 1;
sub doInventory {
my (%params) = @_;
my $inventory = $params{inventory};
my $logger = $params{logger};
my $profiles = _getFirewallProfiles();
my @profiles = _makeProfileAndConnectionsAssociation(firewallProfiles => $profiles, logger => $logger);
for my $profile (@profiles) {
section => 'FIREWALL',
entry => $profile
sub _getFirewallProfiles {
my $key = getRegistryKey( path =>
return unless $key;
return _extractFirewallProfilesFromRegistryKey(
key => $key
sub _extractFirewallProfilesFromRegistryKey {
my (%params) = @_;
return unless $params{key};
my $key = $params{key};
my $subKeys = {
domain => 'DomainProfile',
public => 'PublicProfile',
standard => 'StandardProfile'
my $profiles = {};
for my $profile (keys %$subKeys) {
next unless $key->{$subKeys->{$profile} . '/'};
next unless defined $key->{$subKeys->{$profile} . '/'}->{'/EnableFirewall'};
my $enabled = hex2dec($key->{ $subKeys->{$profile} . '/'}->{'/EnableFirewall'});
$profiles->{$profile} = {
STATUS => $enabled
PROFILE => $subKeys->{$profile}
return $profiles;
sub _makeProfileAndConnectionsAssociation {
my (%params) = @_;
return unless $params{firewallProfiles};
my ($profilesKey, $signaturesKey) = $params{profilesKey} && $params{signaturesKey} ?
($params{profilesKey}, $params{signaturesKey}) :
return unless $profilesKey && $signaturesKey;
my %funcParams = (
additionalProperties => {
NetWorkAdapterConfiguration => [ qw/DNSDomain/ ],
NetWorkAdapter => [ qw/GUID/ ]
list => $params{list} ? $params{list} : {}
foreach my $interface (getInterfaces(
)) {
next if ($interface->{STATUS} ne 'Up');
my $profile;
my $domainSettings = _getConnectionDomainSettings(
guid => $interface->{GUID},
key => $params{dnsRegisteredAdaptersKey} || undef
# check if connection with domain
if ($domainSettings) {
$profile = _retrieveFirewallProfileWithdomain(
profileName => $domainSettings->{'/PrimaryDomainName'},
profilesKey => $profilesKey
} else {
$profile = _retrieveFirewallProfileWithoutDomain(
DNSDomain => $interface->{DNSDomain},
profilesKey => $profilesKey,
signaturesKey => $signaturesKey
next unless $profile;
my $category = hex2dec($profile->{'/Category'});
unless (defined $params{firewallProfiles}->{$mappingFirewallProfiles[$category]}->{CONNECTIONS}) {
$params{firewallProfiles}->{$mappingFirewallProfiles[$category]}->{CONNECTIONS} = [];
my $connection = {DESCRIPTION => $interface->{DESCRIPTION}};
$connection->{IPADDRESS} = $interface->{IPADDRESS} if ($interface->{IPADDRESS});
$connection->{IPADDRESS6} = $interface->{IPADDRESS6} if ($interface->{IPADDRESS6});
push @{$params{firewallProfiles}->{$mappingFirewallProfiles[$category]}->{CONNECTIONS}}, $connection;
my @profiles = ();
for my $p (values %{$params{firewallProfiles}}) {
my @p;
if ($p->{CONNECTIONS} && ref($p->{CONNECTIONS}) eq 'ARRAY') {
my @conns = @{$p->{CONNECTIONS}};
delete $p->{CONNECTIONS};
for my $conn (@conns) {
my $newP = dclone $p;
while (my ($k, $v) = each %$conn) {
$newP->{$k} = $v;
push @p, $newP;
} else {
push @p, $p;
push @profiles, @p;
return @profiles;
sub _getConnectionDomainSettings {
my (%params) = @_;
return unless $params{guid};
my $registeredAdapter = $params{key} ?
$params{key}->{$params{guid} . '/'} :
logger => $params{logger},
path => 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/services/Tcpip/Parameters/DNSRegisteredAdapters/' . $params{guid}
if ($registeredAdapter && $registeredAdapter->{'/PrimaryDomainName'}) {
return $registeredAdapter;
sub _retrieveFirewallProfileWithoutDomain {
my (%params) = @_;
return unless $params{DNSDomain} && $params{profilesKey} && $params{signaturesKey};
my $profilesKey = $params{profilesKey};
my $signaturesKey = $params{signaturesKey};
my $dnsDomain = $params{DNSDomain};
my $profileGuid;
for my $sig (values %{$signaturesKey->{'Managed/'}}, values %{$signaturesKey->{'Unmanaged/'}}) {
if ($sig->{'/FirstNetwork'} eq $dnsDomain) {
$profileGuid = $sig->{'/ProfileGuid'};
return unless $profileGuid && $profilesKey->{$profileGuid . '/'};
return $profilesKey->{$profileGuid . '/'};
sub _retrieveProfilesAndSignaturesKey {
my (%params) = @_;
my $networkListKey = getRegistryKey(
logger => $params{logger} || undef,
path => 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/NetworkList'
return unless $networkListKey;
if ($networkListKey->{'Profiles/'} && $networkListKey->{'Signatures/'}) {
return ($networkListKey->{'Profiles/'}, $networkListKey->{'Signatures/'});
sub _retrieveFirewallProfileWithdomain {
my (%params) = @_;
return unless $params{profileName} && $params{profilesKey};
my $profiles = $params{profilesKey};
my $profile;
for my $p (values %$profiles) {
if ($p->{'/ProfileName'} && $p->{'/ProfileName'} eq $params{profileName}) {
$profile = $p;
return $profile;