fusioninventory-wmi - Win32 remote inventory
fusioninventory-wmi [options] --host <host> [--user <user>] [--pass <pass>] [--server server|--local path]
General options:
--help this menu
-t --tag tag tag for the inventoried machine
Remote machine options:
-h --host hostname hostname - mandatory option
-u --user username user name
-p --pass xxxx user password
Target definition options:
-s --server=URI send tasks result to a server
-l --local=PATH write tasks results locally
Inventory task options:
--backend-collect-timeout=TIME timeout for inventory modules execution
(default: 180s)
--no-category=CATEGORY do not list given category items
--scan-homedirs scan user home directories (false)
--scan-profiles scan user profiles (false)
Network options:
--ca-cert-dir=DIRECTORY CA certificates directory
--ca-cert-file=FILE CA certificates file
--no-ssl-check do not check server SSL certificate
-C --no-compression do not compress communication with server
Logging options:
--logger=BACKEND logger backend (stderr)
--logfile=FILE log file
Configuration options:
--config=BACKEND configuration backend
--conf-file=FILE configuration file
% fusioninventory-wmi --host --user foo --password bar --local=.
fusioninventory-wmi creates inventory of remote Win32 machine. It uses the WMI interface of the remote server.